ok, so when i recieved this, i was all excited and was amazed at the details of the costume and the great 'clean' likeness it has of arnie. (myself being a bigger arnie fan then terminator fan so am quite happy its a clean version, although a battle damaged alternate head wouldve been cool even though it does not appear in that particular scene, it wouldve been cool to have just as a representation of the terminator, as most people love the BD too, wouldve been smarter on sideshows part as well cause it would cater to more people, sometimes i wander who sits around and comes up with the EX ideas

As a stand alone statue i still love it, andi think i will separate him from the rest, its one of the best arnie/terminator statues around in my opinion....i know a lot of people like the 12 inch figs, but they are not for me, i dont really think they are accurate enough in the likenesses (as far as human representations go anyway) BUT.... Last night i compared him to a lot of my other PF's in particular characters like spike from buffy, anh luke, han solo, anakin skywalker and even the tusken raider,and i have to admit it, the T800 does look very small framed compared to the others, i mean really, how can luke skywalker be more buff then schwarzenegger???!! even buffy herself looks a bit bigger, LOL.
So ill have to admit, yes somethings weird about the whole skinniness and the slumped shoulders seem to go down a bit further then i originally thought after comparing them to pics and also doing some physical muscular body pose experimentations of my own, i have determined that even though he is twisting in the pose, and re-loading the launcher, i do not believe his shoulders should be slumped that far.
Also the white belt is still messin with my head, i dont know where they got that from....
but in the end, im still liking this statue, i just have to forget its meant to be a 1/4 scale. Feels to me like it has the height of a 1/4 scale, but the width of a 1/6 figure. hell, i even compared him to my sideshow bespin luke 12 inch, and arnie wasnt that much bigger in width....
Im interested in seeing what people will do with his shoulders, atm i couldnt be bothered messing around with him and stuff..