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Terminator 101

Jan 10, 2006
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Schwarzenenger will be seen in the next Terminator movie, after all! But don't do back flips just yet, fans... Representatives for Halcyon, the studio that recently acquired the rights to the Terminator franchise, tell EW the Austrian Oak has granted the company permission to use his likeness in the film.

"We'll be using computer altered stock images of Arnold. That way we can span his entire career, from the frightening 80's era Terminator to the ice cool T2 version", says Halycon's Derek Anderson.

Annabelle Gross, Schwarzenegger's rep, hinted further involvement in the series. "He's signed on as Executive Producer for all three pictures, and we are in talks for further appearance licenseing".

It's believed that Schwarzenegger may be considering an offer from the studio to provide his facial features in the form of a cast. "Terminator 4" will revolve around a thirty-something John Connor doing battle with the endoskeleton son-of-a-*****es.

From FilmStalker.co.uk (
Yesterday we wrote about how the Terminator series was set to continue under new management, and that the old crew wouldn't appear in the films, well that isn't strictly true. It looks like Arnold Schwarzenenger will be appearing in them through the magic of CGI.

Apparently he will be lending his likeness through his whole career to the robots we'll see in the films. Not only stock images but there are negotiations to try and gain a face cast from him in order to do a full computer model.

Now the news from Moviehole should be considered carefully by Arnie because once he gives that cast they can spend the money to model him in and then use it in every film as though he was acting, just without the added salary and benefits. He should make sure he's getting a computer model performance fee!

According to representatives of the company who now own the series, Arnie is signed on as an Executive Producer for all three films, which means anything from working to just sitting collecting a cheque for attaching his name to it. They are also discussing "further appearance licensing".

"We'll be using computer altered stock images of Arnold. That way we can span his entire career, from the frightening 80's era Terminator to the ice cool T2 version"

Nice. So he will be back, just as we always new him. I love that news.
If they do this right it could be very very cool. It would amount to pretty much a cameo appearance, but such a link would help tie the films into the original trilogy.

I'm cautiously optimistic.
so it's possible going by that that in one film (or over the three) we could see multiple versions of the terminators... the slightly heavier, bigger muscled floppy haired 'nators from T1, the thinner version from T2, and the older heavier set versions from T3..... possibly even all together (hey if they're like car models.... we would see them all together)

sounds good to me :rock
An interesting way to tie the movies together... but after T3 I'm probably more on the side of cautiously pessimistic. But I'm sure I'll still drop coin at the theaters to see them :lol

Absolutely what he said they needed to do!

Bravo Dek!

May the future movies rule! :rock
They got my tickets already!
Terminator 101 said:
Schwarzenenger will be seen in the next Terminator movie, after all! But don't do back flips just yet, fans... Representatives for Halcyon, the studio that recently acquired the rights to the Terminator franchise, tell EW the Austrian Oak has granted the company permission to use his likeness in the film.

"We'll be using computer altered stock images of Arnold. That way we can span his entire career, from the frightening 80's era Terminator to the ice cool T2 version", says Halycon's Derek Anderson.

Annabelle Gross, Schwarzenegger's rep, hinted further involvement in the series. "He's signed on as Executive Producer for all three pictures, and we are in talks for further appearance licenseing".

It's believed that Schwarzenegger may be considering an offer from the studio to provide his facial features in the form of a cast. "Terminator 4" will revolve around a thirty-something John Connor doing battle with the endoskeleton son-of-a-*****es.

From FilmStalker.co.uk (
Yesterday we wrote about how the Terminator series was set to continue under new management, and that the old crew wouldn't appear in the films, well that isn't strictly true. It looks like Arnold Schwarzenenger will be appearing in them through the magic of CGI.

Apparently he will be lending his likeness through his whole career to the robots we'll see in the films. Not only stock images but there are negotiations to try and gain a face cast from him in order to do a full computer model.

Now the news from Moviehole should be considered carefully by Arnie because once he gives that cast they can spend the money to model him in and then use it in every film as though he was acting, just without the added salary and benefits. He should make sure he's getting a computer model performance fee!

According to representatives of the company who now own the series, Arnie is signed on as an Executive Producer for all three films, which means anything from working to just sitting collecting a cheque for attaching his name to it. They are also discussing "further appearance licensing".

"We'll be using computer altered stock images of Arnold. That way we can span his entire career, from the frightening 80's era Terminator to the ice cool T2 version"

Nice. So he will be back, just as we always new him. I love that news.

I TOLD YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They may get Arnold's face into the films, but I have reservations if that would be enough to restore the franchise. It's not enough just to have a Terminator look like Arnold Schwarzenneger. Future films need to be more in line with Cameron's story and not just action flicks using pre-existing characters, which T3 primarily was. I had fun watching T3, but it leaves viewers fond of T1&2 feeling like T3 doesn't quite tie fully to it. It's like there's a body of story and film that is Terminator, which T1&2 make up, but T3 is like a an organ donation, sure it is a part that fits in the body, but it's not from the original body and doesn't perfectly fit.
At least hes back in CG form...
You wouldnt wanna see him like this
Ya, Ya, I'm da living tissue ovah a metal endoskeleton... a lot of tissue. Model Numbah T850-XL.
DarkArtist81 said:
Dave..... Your name wouldn't be "Reese" would it?? Cause I really think you came from the future!! :lol:lol:lol

You soooo called it! :rotfl

One possible future. From your point of view I don't know text stuff. :lol:lol:lol
xenoviper said:
At least hes back in CG form...
You wouldnt wanna see him like this

That picture on the right is a fake, no way is that Arnold body. He looked great in Terminator 3 and look at Stallone, for hes age he's body is still pretty good for a 60 something guy, and arnold has always been on top and still works out.
Terminator 101 said:
That picture on the right is a fake, no way is that Arnold body. He looked great in Terminator 3 and look at Stallone, for hes age he's body is still pretty good for a 60 something guy, and arnold has always been on top and still works out.

Welll, the guy is pushing 60, give him a break. He worked out very hard for T3, but there was no reason for him to stay in that shape after filming.

He could get back it to that shape anytime he wanted though, he is a world champion body builder, but as he gets older it get harder.
Terminator 101 said:
That picture on the right is a fake, no way is that Arnold body. He looked great in Terminator 3 and look at Stallone, for hes age he's body is still pretty good for a 60 something guy, and arnold has always been on top and still works out.

I'll bet that is how he looks. Stallone took months in the gym to get into decent shape for Rocky Balboa and Rambo 4, and being all governor and all, I'm sure Arnold isn't hitting the weights much these days. He did look fantastic in T3, but that was also almost 4 years ago, a body his age can hit atrophy quick if he stops his routine, plus any steroids or drugs he may have used in his body building days will one day affect him drastically, you can't take that kinda stuff and not pay for it somehow some day.
Sly was a bit pudgy in Rocky Balboa. Dude needs some ultra slim-fast.

Who needs Joe Wieder when you got CGI.