Terminator Genisys (July 1st, 2015)

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Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

I still rewatch episodes like 'Dungeons and Dragons', 'Goodbye To All That' and 'Mr. Ferguson Is Ill Today'.

I remember the shock I was in when Derek was killed.

That reminds me, I have to rewatch the show soon. I remember the writers mentioning that they wanted to make the stakes high and tangible, hence why Derek was sent off just like that, it's one of the things that made the show so great.
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Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

-- Insert overused 'Arnold Schwarzenegger is old' joke here --
Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)



Haha. Actually I really like the look of this. I think going with an older Terminator is quite interesting and Arnold looks great! :yess:

PsychoCenobite :horror
Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

Sadly, the internet has become not much more than "let's rip everything to shreds and see who the funniest person is along the way".
Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

It's tough to get excited when we're coming off T3 and Salvation though. Especially how Arnold was handled in T3. Why would he be better now 10 years later?

And his last couple of movies now were big flops. The Jail one, The Last Stand, whatever else he did just a month ago where he's a bounty hunter, I can't even remember the names of those, not good man.

Jai Courtney is a hollow human meat sack with no talent who contributed to the problems with DH5 and that doesn't help. It's like a reboot but it isn't. It just sounds like it's a mess. :dunno
Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

I'm genuinely curious. Why are some of you guys excited for this? What are you hoping that this movie will provide that won't be accomplished by simply rewatching T1 or T2?
Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

Good, honest question. I feel like until Arnold dies, they are just going to try to forcibly write him into these movies and we won't go anywhere new or interesting.

Salvation was as close as we've come to a real, interesting Terminator follow up (I'm including T2), blown only by the stupid heart transplant ending. I would have liked to have seen that direction into the Cameron future vision from T1 followed up on in a sequel. Bringing it back to modern day and retelling Sarah's story is straight up stupid.
Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

Exactly. I remember when T2 came out all I wanted was a full-on future war movie after that. Even when Arnold was in his prime in the 90's and Cameron was still interested in doing a third one I never for one second wanted yet another "time-travel to the present" type of movie.
Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

Good, honest question. I feel like until Arnold dies, they are just going to try to forcibly write him into these movies and we won't go anywhere new or interesting.

Salvation was as close as we've come to a real, interesting Terminator follow up (I'm including T2), blown only by the stupid heart transplant ending. I would have liked to have seen that direction into the Cameron future vision from T1 followed up on in a sequel. Bringing it back to modern day and retelling Sarah's story is straight up stupid.

I always found it hilarious that people found the heart transplant ending implausible, yet have no problem believing the time-travel aspect that 3/4 of the films revolve around. :dunno
Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

"But there was one man who taught us to fight, to storm the wire of the camps, to smash those metal mother ****ers into junk. He turned it around. He brought us back from the brink. His name is Connor. John Connor."

Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

I'm genuinely curious. Why are some of you guys excited for this? What are you hoping that this movie will provide that won't be accomplished by simply rewatching T1 or T2?

I've enjoyed action films since the early 80s. I like Arnold. I've enjoyed the Terminator series so I'm looking fwd to another film. It may be terrible or good, but I'll judge it when i see it. Rewatching the same films can het tiresome after 20 years so a new film to add to the story is welcome. On the fip side, why do so many enjoy ripping everything to shreds before they even see it? Why is attacking everything so much fun?
Re: Terminator: Genesis (July 1st, 2015)

I've enjoyed action films since the early 80s. I like Arnold. I've enjoyed the Terminator series so I'm looking fwd to another film. It may be terrible or good, but I'll judge it when i see it. Rewatching the same films can het tiresome after 20 years so a new film to add to the story is welcome. On the fip side, why do so many enjoy ripping everything to shreds before they even see it? Why is attacking everything so much fun?


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