Re: Official Terminator thread.
metaphorge said:
Hey Les, care to recap where you got all the parts for your Reese? It is absolutely fan-terminator-tastic!
OK. See if I can...
FIrst...Dark Spidey, only thing off about this head is the hair. Hard as hell to get that helmet on, and it's not movie accurate. Otherwise, this is a great Biehn sculpt too. Note though, that he is a tad younger looking. More filled out face. The Stoner has the more sunken cheeks reminescent of Hicks.
My early movie version Hicks parts:
Head. HT Hicks. Added scar under mouth with superglue gel.
Body, Dragon standard (Reese was not too tall or big. Dragon actually works great for him, but a HT will work fine)
Shirt/pants: HT future Reese
Coat: 21st Century WWII German soldier long coat, buttons removed. Shoulder straps painted to match material. Glued back and down lower lapels to look accurate. Will add cloth belt and loops. To me, a perfect grey-green color. No dye needed. Hangs great too. Flares well for dramatic Reese A$$ kicking poses.
Shoes, Storerooms 1/6 running shoes. Ebay item #120020361408 (some 8 or so still available!!!) Not film accurate ankle height, and need painting. But they work great. Real type laces. Need to add reflector straps at ankle.
Shotgun: Good eye My Lord! it is indeed a
Toy Soldier Seal POINTMAN 1/6; Ithaca Model 37 SHOTGUN with sawed off stock and barrel, dremelled out. Good catch!
Rope: twine. Soon to be slightly thinner and tighter twine.
Dirt and "bum" paint and debris on pants: To come. To be painted on...
That's it. Simple as that. You can add a police 38 pistol if you need to.
This is not a hard figure to get parts for. Just takes some time to put together.
Total parts Value? Not sure. Maybe $120+/- of stuff. Maybe.
Satisfaction in having?
Hope that helps.