Totally thought i was gonna skip out completely on this drop but just caved in and bought the 12 pack mini bertie pack. Will be interesting to see what they look like and for 25.50 shipped with my discount dont think you can beat that.
Lamenting over the drop, deciding what to get (I love that caesar but I'll hold out for 1/6th berties) and wasn't sure I wanted to spend £60 on both small bertie sets, then I realised the prices are of course in dollars insta-buy
The 20 pack of diy will be like baby spiders.. pale and numerous
Dirty Deeds as the weathering on roth's little one looks great
Got my Funeral Party all ordered thanks to a friend on the boards over there - The little berties were so cute, but I actually managed to hold off. Of course now that they're gone, I'm coming up with a bunch of ideas as to what I could have done with the DIYs :/ but oh well, that's life. Maybe someone will sell me like 5 of them once they ship so I can make some Bertie jewelry.