Super Freak
done... member #175...
There's no code, it's just applied to your account. Whenever you buy anything from Bambaland it's 15% off.
I believe this will be the first time you will have a chance to put your new membership to work.
Finally got my first 3A product!
Damn, congrats dude! Looking for this as well. How much did you get it?
If you're not on the kidrobot board, and it's 3AA/3A BST thread, you are missing out. Glad the guys here convinced me to join, I have landed so much good stuff in just a month due to KR boardie help. I have so many of the HTF Zombs, and I even got not just one but TWO Sanahkte's that are on the way to me now. one arrives today. After I have both, I'm going to customize one into an NLCS Zombot.