The 3A Thread

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Amazing!!! I really love the last pic hans!!!

btw, hans is the one who posed my TQs in the previous pages :D

thanks for the kind words, it's all back to hadiwinata lol

@Deadleaves : I really love that reimi's pose!!! good job!!

these are the 3A figures I have so far.. lil shadow, shadow mode is still in the box..


not too much.. im focusing in the human forms..

Fantastic Collection Jengo!
jengo's collection definitely one of the most impressive among indonesian collectors:lol.

very difficult to get anything ThreeA here. I myself were only able to get most of my collection thanks to him.
Thanks pitu, I love you :peace

@hadiwinata : lol, thanks to you too bro :lol im sure you will surpass me soon :lol
Amazing!!! I really love the last pic hans!!!

btw, hans is the one who posed my TQs in the previous pages :D

thanks for the kind words, it's all back to hadiwinata lol

@Deadleaves : I really love that reimi's pose!!! good job!!

these are the 3A figures I have so far.. lil shadow, shadow mode is still in the box..


not too much.. im focusing in the human forms..

Awesome! I wish I had my PopBot and Showa. -__________-
Congratz to the 2 of you. Why is it so hard to get ThreeA in Indonesia? Does that count for all kinds of collectibles perhaps?

The Idea of Paypal in Indonesia is.....not so convenient due to many things, and the customs that are such a pain in the ass, like anything that is above 50 USD gets taxed like up to 35% i think...crazy huh? and the money goes into the officer's pocket.

NO, not all kinds of collectibles....stuff like say, bandai's gunpla, figma, shf's kamen rider and PVC figures are easy to come by because retailers stock them, but for ThreeA stuff....not many people are aware of it, so barely anyone sells them and when they do it's just a bunch of retails DC at the most and bloodnail tommy or the occasional overpriced POP, 3 PACK TQ's.

while at it here's some contribution from me....hope to expand the lines eventually, it's slowly growing though hehehe:yess:

Nice collection there Hadiwinata :)
Just hang in there. Sometimes I felt that collecting at a slower pace helps in giving more time to appreciate and enjoy what we already have. The figure become something you can fondly remember ie when the postman brought it home to you, when you first open it up to play, how much joy you had posing it and taking pictures of it.
If the stuffs comes fast n furious, do we have time for those? I sometimes couldn't even remember which is the last figure I got before this new one comes in....
Thanks, for the compliment.

Yeah it's true having NOT too many of them all at once makes you appreciate each and every single one just that much more....I like playing with my me no matter how expensive a toy is, it's still a toy. you have to play with it (not so rough that it breaks) but enough so that you're having fun with them.

My ways of doing that is just to pose em and snap em up...:lol I am having fun, and I just realise that a small collection is not necessarily a bad thing.:clap

here's a little more picture for the's shocking how lazy them TK's are:slap

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