On another note I love seeing threads like these. I see them more and more as "the end" approaches. I love people like the original poster who try to say it's all a hoax and that's not going to happen (nothing against ya buddy). Those kind of people are so damn sure that the world will not end and that it's all bull^^^^, but the fact is they don't really know. And you can't help but laugh at the people that REALLY believe that it's the end. What proof does either side have? Both sides are equally annoying.
The Sun is expected to become a red giant in approximately 5 billion years from now. It is calculated that the Sun will become sufficiently large to engulf the current orbits of the solar system's inner planets, up to Earth, and its radius will expand to a minimum of 200 times its current value. The Sun will lose a significant fraction of its mass in the process of becoming a red giant, and there is a chance that Mars and all the outer planets will escape as their resulting orbits will widen. Mercury and most likely Venus will have been swallowed by sun's outer layer at this time. Earth's fate is less clear. Earth could technically achieve a widening of its orbit and could potentially maintain a sufficiently high angular velocity to keep it from becoming engulfed. In order to do so, its orbit needs to increase to between 1.3 AU (190,000,000 km) and 1.7 AU (250,000,000 km). However the results of studies announced in 2008 show that due to tidal interaction between sun and Earth, Earth would actually fall back into a lower orbit, and get engulfed and incorporated inside the sun before the sun reaches its largest size, despite the sun losing about 38% of its mass. Before this happens, Earth's biosphere will have long been destroyed by the Sun's steady increase in brightness as its hydrogen supply dwindles and its core contracts, even before the transition to a Red Giant. After just over 1 billion years, the extra solar energy input will cause Earth's oceans to evaporate and the hydrogen from the water to be lost permanently to space, with total loss of water by 3 billion years. Earth's atmosphere and lithosphere will become like that of Venus. Over another billion years, most of the atmosphere will get lost in space as well; ultimately leaving Earth as a desiccated, dead planet with a surface of molten rock.
White dwarf stars are the corpses of stars; what happens once they've used up all their fuel and lack the temperature and pressure to continue fusion in their core. A white dwarf will be the end for all the small and medium mass stars out there – 97% of the stars in the Universe will become white dwarfs. The most massive stars in the Universe will suffer far more violent ends as supernovae or neutron stars. Let's take a look at white dwarf stars.
For the majority of its lifetime, a star is in the main sequence phase of life; it's converting hydrogen into helium at its core, and producing a tremendous amount of energy. Eventually a star runs out of hydrogen fuel in its core and its fusion stops. The star starts to collapse, but then a new shell of hydrogen fuel gets going. This causes the outer envelope of the star to puff out into a red giant. If a star is large enough, it will even be able to begin helium burning in its core creating carbon.
Once this fuel runs out, though, that's it. The star is completely out of fuel it can use, and so it puffs out its outer layers, revealing the hot carbon core; the leftover material from this last fusion reaction. The star is now a white dwarf. It starts out hot, the temperature that the star's core was, but then it starts to cool down over time. Eventually, after billions and even trillions of years time, the white dwarf will cool down to the background temperature of the Universe.
A white dwarf star is roughly the same size as the Earth, but it's extremely dense, compacting the core of the former star into a region only 10,000 km across. Their average density is about 1,000,000 times denser than the density of the Sun. A single sugar cube sized amount of white dwarf would weigh about 1 tonne.
White dwarfs can only be up to 1.4 solar masses. Beyond this point, the pressure exerted by the individual atoms can't hold back the gravitational pressure pulling it together. The white dwarf would collapse down to a more compact object, like a neutron star or a black hole.
Well the world will end eventually. That's a fact.
But as you can see, we're talking like a BILLION years from now. In other words, none of us should care about that right NOW. Obviously something catastrophic could happen between now and then. Sure. But you could also be killed in your bath tub by a shark. Equal odds.
So yeah, the world WILL eventually end because stars don't last forever. But none of us will be here to see that, and no one we know will be here to see that either. So it's a waste of time to worry about it.
Oh, I know. It'll happen SOMEDAY. If there's no human or nature interference on earth it will eventually happen when we're long gone. But it is possible that it could come sooner by nuclear (we blow each other away and cause our own destruction) or catastrophic (the earth changes or a meteorite smashes into us) means.
But the "end of the world" you speak of... isn't the end of the world... just the end of mankind. I love how humans have made it all about them. That always makes me laugh.
We are but one tiny little fragment in the history of the world, that if we blinked out today it really would only be a footnote in the overall story of this planet we named Earth. Even if our end is so obscenely violent that it wipes out 99.9% of the life on this planet, the world will move on eventually and new life will spring up to replace us.
I don't know about 2012 but it kind of feels like it should be the end soon. I actually hope it's something I get to witness in my lifetime. Probably not tomorrow, not even 2012 but maybe in the following decades. I think society and technology has reached it's peak and it's time for it all to come crashing down. Tower of Babel anyone? I mean I don't have a death wish or anything but if I gotta go, everyone is coming with me.
Live everyday as if it's your last.
On another note I love seeing threads like these. I see them more and more as "the end" approaches. I love people like the original poster who try to say it's all a hoax and that it's not going to happen (nothing against ya buddy). Those kind of people are so damn sure that the world will not end and that it's all bull^^^^, but the fact is they don't really know. And you can't help but laugh at the people that REALLY believe that the "end is nigh". What proof does either side have? Both sides are equally annoying.
For me, what ever happens, happens. I'm just along for the ride.
I don't think you understand bro. When our sun expands into a red dwarf this planet is done. All the water will evaporate, the atmospshere will eventually disappear and the surface (because of the intense heat) will be reduced to molten rock. It'll be 100% barren of any type of life.
And all this is under the assumption that Earth isn't sucked into the expanding sun. Because if that happens, there won't be ANY Earth anymore.
It's beyond Mankind. I'm talking about ALL life on Earth.
Oh, I wasn't talking about your explanation... yours was 100%true and logically stated. I was talking to that DFabio guy.
I know what you mean, and that will most definitely be the end of Earth... no doubts there whatsoever. I was just telling that Fabio guy that mankind probably won't last until that time, and if we do... we'd have to split before the sun goes all ball out fury on us.![]()
But the "end of the world" you speak of... isn't the end of the world... just the end of mankind. I love how humans have made it all about them. That always makes me laugh.![]()
As for the tower of Babel scenario... we aren't there yet, we can much MUCH farther technologically and do a lot more damage before our time is up. Society has been full of death, decay, ^^^^ in the gutters, homeless people sleeping in the snow, murder, rape, child molestation, etc... since the dawn of man. Overall, it's no worse now than it was in the 1700's or 890 AD or even 250 BC. Some things are better, some are worse. But we still are human and we still make the same ******* mistakes, nothing will change that.
We may end by our own hands one day, or we won't... but it's going to happen eventually. We can't really focus on it.
Oh come on, if everyone and everything is gone, it would be the "end of the world" as far as we know it. Sure we'd be replaced, but by a much lower form of vegetation and/or species.
Hey, hey, a guy can dream can't he?
Oh and you may not have heard of me before but it's DiFabio, not Fabio, or that "DFabio guy". Dee-Fay-bee-O. Show some respect to the greatest trolling message board handle of our time will ya? Tell your friends about me.
I do parties, if you ask I can send you my card.