The Batman (June 25, 2021)

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Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Batman has never fought well in the movies though because of the suits restrictions. I would love to see some fights like Spider-Man's or Captain America's with their speed and agility

Yup, that's true.

So the next time, producers need to make a better suit that will allow more mobility ...or they need to use awesome CGI for the fight scenes.
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Kinda feel bad for Affleck really. Didn't work out as DD ...and now didn't work out as Batman. He must be feeling like he's jinxed or something.

Kinda hard for me to feel bad for him, what with his natural good looks, millions of dollars, models/Playmate girlfriends, multiple Oscar awards, and a drinking/drug problem that doesn't seem bad enough to kill him. Sounds like a pretty charmed life to me.
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Kinda hard for me to feel bad for him, what with his natural good looks, millions of dollars, models/Playmate girlfriends, multiple Oscar awards, and a drinking/drug problem that doesn't seem bad enough to kill him. Sounds like a pretty charmed life to me.

That's the other way of looking at it...
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Kinda hard for me to feel bad for him, what with his natural good looks, millions of dollars, models/Playmate girlfriends, multiple Oscar awards, and a drinking/drug problem that doesn't seem bad enough to kill him. Sounds like a pretty charmed life to me.

Yeah, I think he’ll be alright:lol
I’m sure he’s wiping his tears with Benjamins:lol
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

The more I saw Ben Barnes in the first season of the Punisher the more I felt like he could fit the role of Bruce Wayne. He'd need a strong workout routine, but Hemsworth and Evans both prove that's doable.
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Always thought that was intentional. Why else would you have dialog almost entirely composed of one-liners. :dunno

Oh, it was intentional. Schumacher has always said that his favorite version of Batman was the Adam West tv show. “Batman Forever” seemed to hold back and still treat the story like a quasi-sequel to “Batman” and “Batman Returns.” The tone was noticeably lighter than ‘89 Batman and Returns but still somewhat reigned in from what “Batman and Robin” ended up being. My feeling is that that might have been because Burton was still involved as an executive producer at that point, but that’s purely speculation. Whatever the case, there’s a noticeable shift in tone from “Batman Forever” to “Batman and Robin.” “Batman and Robin seems to go to great lengths to “ape” the old Adam West tv series. As you’ve said, you can see it in the dialogue. You can see it with the bat-credit card, the henchmen on ice skates, and on and on...
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Maybe......Batman just plain doesn't work in live action?

One way or another, every attempt at bringing him to the big screen has had problems or disappointed.

Maybe he should just stay on the printed pages or in B:TAS.

Just food for thought.
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

^ well considering Batman arguably still has the greatest superhero movie under his belt idk about that. Unless you just mean fight choreography
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Batman isn't their problem. Nolan proved you can make great Batman movies. If anything Superman is their biggest problem. They haven't made a good superman live action movie since 1980.
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Batman and Robin ranks up there with the worst films I have ever seen...

Even IF they were lampooning the original series, it was done terribly.

Its unwatchable even for a laugh.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Batman and Robin ranks up there with the worst films I have ever seen...

Even IF they were lampooning the original series, it was done terribly.

Its unwatchable even for a laugh.

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

I agree with everything you said. Wasn’t trying to make the point that the movie was at all good because they were intentionally trying to copy the old show. It’s terrible. As terrible as terrible can be. “Burn it with fire” terrible.
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Why doesn’t Warner Bros try to hire someone who actually wants to be in the movie, as their next Batman? They keep going with people they have to basically talk into taking the role, so it’s difficult to get them to come back for more movies. They had no problem getting actors to sign on for like seven Harry Potter films but they seem to have a lot of difficulty getting an actor to do more than two Batman films. Affleck practically threw a party when he was finished with the role. Just find someone who actually likes the character and wants to take on the role.
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Why doesn’t Warner Bros try to hire someone who actually wants to be in the movie, as their next Batman? They keep going with people they have to basically talk into taking the role, so it’s difficult to get them to come back for more movies. They had no problem getting actors to sign on for like seven Harry Potter films but they seem to have a lot of difficulty getting an actor to do more than two Batman films. Affleck practically threw a party when he was finished with the role. Just find someone who actually likes the character and wants to take on the role.

Good point. If memory serves even Bale always said he didn't want to be involved if Nolan wasn't.
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

Why doesn’t Warner Bros try to hire someone who actually wants to be in the movie, as their next Batman?

That's a tough call to make sometimes. Chris Evans turned down Joe Johnston to play Cap like three separate times. He didn't want to go back to superheroes after the FF flicks and he didn't want his privacy taken away by being associated with big budget tentpoles. But he finally relented and we now have a live-action Captain America that might forever be definitive.
Re: The Batman film directed by Matt Reeves...again

That's a tough call to make sometimes. Chris Evans turned down Joe Johnston to play Cap like three separate times. He didn't want to go back to superheroes after the FF flicks and he didn't want his privacy taken away by being associated with big budget tentpoles. But he finally relented and we now have a live-action Captain America that might forever be definitive.

True. And he ended up being terrific as Cap, like you said. And he ended up appearing multiple times as the character. And l’m sure there would probably have been a greater chance of Affleck returning if the movies he appeared in had been bigger successes. Still, surely there is someone who shows up for these auditions that both resembles Bruce Wayne and tells them how much he would love to play Batman. I have to think that to a degree, they’re painting themselves into a corner with some of their casting decisions. People have mentioned Armie Hammer, and I think he does have the right look and I know he was once cast as Batman in the canceled George Millar Justice League movie, but I think he has also said in past interviews that he didn’t have much interest in being in super hero movies. I think if that is still the case, Warner Bros. should look elsewhere.