The 70's have the 80's beat (easily) if you're talking about movie quality across the board.
Godfather 1 & 2, Star Wars, and Jaws. If you made a list of greatest movies of all time and put those four in your Top 10, it'd barely even raise many eyebrows. And each of them has a legacy that continues to influence films to this day. Godfather redefined mobster movies. Star Wars redefined fantasy. And Jaws pretty much invented summer blockbusters.
If you throw in Alien, Rocky, Taxi Driver, Close Encounters, Halloween, Chinatown, and Apocalypse Now . . . the 70's start running away with it.
And I'm surprised that some here thought the 90's were a crap decade for movies. That kinda blows my mind. Strong movie decade, imo.
I don't think the Force and magic should be thought of synonomously. Magic is far more of a "cheat." If you can turn your enemy into a frog, then it's game over. No one in Star Wars can use the Force as a shortcut to victory like that.
Even the Jedi mind trick is limited to working on the weak-minded. No one in SW can simply alter all of reality the way Scarlet Witch, Zatanna, Dr. Fate, and Dr. Strange can. There's really no reason why characters like those, and the Harry Potter ones, should ever lose to non-magic opponents. Including Jedi and Sith.
Magic is lame. But the Force is getting there in a hurry, I will admit.