Personally I don't have a problem with "realistic" ie Tacticool designs. When it fits, anyhow. The problem is that these "realistic" designs aren't Tacticool, they're just "lmao, it's like, an actual person's, like, wardrobe and whatever" trash. It's not even realistic in any practical sense. Have these people ever worn real leather? It's not exactly the most stretchy material. But instead of embracing how campy all these things are, we get "dood, it's, like, da Zodiac and it's seriouz". I have no problem with a "down to Earth" Batman. But you need a heightened sense of magical realism, you need an aesthetic. And these are not aesthetic at all. I've seen fanmade projects that look better.
I don't need Cyclops in his yellow undies and Jean in her skirt and whateve the Hell that mask was. But if I'm getting "realistic" designs, I want something aesthetic, distinct and personalized, like either the Ultimate or Morrison suits. If I'm getting Fincher/Refn-Copy Batman, then I want a set and unique "look" and "feel" throughout the world. None of this is realistic. Batman would've broken his knees some months into it. He wouldn't be able to carry the armour and do parkour. And that's not even getting into him being enough of a physical and mental specimen to have the potential to even do those things. Just have fun with the property. It's not a hard concept, but those Hollywood people sure struggle with it. There's already fanart though...
Dano will still deliver a great performance, I think, and I get that this isn't that kind of Riddler, but I was expecting more "flair" out of it all. Honestly, Catwoman's the one I dislike the most. Her design is just lazy. Riddler I can deal with, and Batman I genuinely like. Pattinson's jaw and cheecks with the added weird bulb-like cowl make him look like a creepy, gaunt, skeleton. It's the gauntlets that don't do it for me.
Honestly, what gets me is everyone tying to just make a crime drama with capes, and it just doesn't work. It'd work with Punisher, some Rorschach spinoff or whatever. But for Batman you need that underlying craziness to it all. You need something more than just another "dark" crime hook.