The Beatles 1964 Fab Four set

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Ok, got all my bodies and suits coming in, think I have the correct hands too, except for Ringo. I have bendy hands for him but didn't get that hand set from store-rooms with rings. Still have to figure everything out, may have to switch George's HT Body with Ringo to do that. Anyhoo, should have some pics up soon, maybe a week or so, with all bodies suited up w Guitars.

Hoping Seb (elvis76) may want to make guitar straps for us, waiting to hear back. Should be soon. :cool:

UPDATE: Seb said he'll look into it. :rock

I'll update you guys about any progress.
Minibarbie suits came in! Not bad, but certainly not Spenser Mom Accuracy. Will be making mods over the next couple days. The shirts are decent and have velcro closing strips and also for the sleeves, white buttons, black ties and I do like the collars. Once I get some fabri-tac I will narrow the lapels and do the collar mod. So, with bodies coming I def should have some pics of fully dressed figs soon.

Also, working on guitar straps with Seb. We are trying to figure out how to attach the straps to the guitars. Maybe adding clothing snaps will do the trick. :cool:
If you need further suit reference let me know, I live in Liverpool and the Beatles museum is only 10 mins away. John Lennon airport has a couple of the original suits on display and these guys were tiny. Im thinking that a ht slim body might be a better option?
Hello Smiff,

I've got some questions for you regarding the Chesterfield Suits and Chelsea boots the Beatles wore.

Did the silver grey or charcoal black ones have pockets? If they didn't then it would be a simple matter to take a suit from the Pink Aisle and mod that. The jacket and pants fit a little better except for the sleeve length but a long sleeve dress shirt underneath could fix that or something like this from ebay:

Did the Chelsea boots have an even surface or where the seems readily visible? A pair of boots from the MiniBarbie set could be modded by just grinding away the raised "seams" --- I've examined them and the plastic on them is nice and thick and so the seams could be easily removed using a Dremel leaving something looking like the uppers of a Flamenco boot. A little epoxy putty on the heels tapering in to make them look like Cuban heels and you'd a pretty good 1/6th scale version of the old Chelsea boots. And these could easily pass for Beatles boots.

So, I think the MiniBarbie suit sets could be modded into passable mid-60s Beatles suits.

Mike, I have those mb boots and may add fabric to the elastic tusset molding. Will test it out this weekend. You need a fabric that shows some pattern texture to make it look right. I actually have Beatle Boots and the elastic tussets have quite a bit of texture.
Hello Smiff,

I've got some questions for you regarding the Chesterfield Suits and Chelsea boots the Beatles wore.

Did the silver grey or charcoal black ones have pockets? If they didn't then it would be a simple matter to take a suit from the Pink Aisle and mod that. The jacket and pants fit a little better except for the sleeve length but a long sleeve dress shirt underneath could fix that or something like this from ebay:

Did the Chelsea boots have an even surface or where the seems readily visible? A pair of boots from the MiniBarbie set could be modded by just grinding away the raised "seams" --- I've examined them and the plastic on them is nice and thick and so the seams could be easily removed using a Dremel leaving something looking like the uppers of a Flamenco boot. A little epoxy putty on the heels tapering in to make them look like Cuban heels and you'd a pretty good 1/6th scale version of the old Chelsea boots. And these could easily pass for Beatles boots.

So, I think the MiniBarbie suit sets could be modded into passable mid-60s Beatles suits.


The charcoal suits did not have pockets, the silver collarless did..

Got all my Bodies in, just waiting for some fabri-tac before modding the suits and dressing up the Lads -- but for those curious how the Beatle Boots look here's a couple shots of my George with boots. Yes, they're a tad large but Beatle Boots were boats. See ref pics and you'll know. They seem in scale with the hands and keep in mind this is a HT Slim which is smaller. Anyway, in hand they look fine IMO.


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im missing my hofner grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! why is storerooms the only one to cary these?

Isn't some Guy selling 6th scale Guitars pretty soon? If so his Hofner will be better than the storerooms one I have. I had to detail mine but he did excellent 1/4 scale guitars so I bet they'll be awesomer. :cool:
Isn't some Guy selling 6th scale Guitars pretty soon? If so his Hofner will be better than the storerooms one I have. I had to detail mine but he did excellent 1/4 scale guitars so I bet they'll be awesomer. :cool:

Yeah i think so. I just hate waiting. i have Ringos drums, Johns' Rickenbacker, Georges' Gretsch, and 4 sets of boots coming this week. I want Spencers suits ass soon as he outs them up, and i just finished painting my sculpts.
I hope he puts out the 69 set soon..I cant wait..

(ouch, i just realized WHY my wallet hurts:lol)
As for bodies HT Slim would work best IMO. I have HT slim for George, Dragon short (Cheong) for Ringo, Dragon Reg for Paul and Dragon Neo 3 for John. The TTL would also work nicely for Paul.

Where is a good place to get a Dragon short body?
Where is a good place to get a Dragon short body?

Dragon short bodies are very hard to come by these days. But If I'm correct a Jackie Chan or Cheong (get with ungloved hands) are shorter. Mine certainly appears shorter. I got a Cheong for $10. You can find them at War-Toys, Toyanxiety, Monkeydepot, etc.

I will do a body comparison for you Guys this week.

EDIT: Here they are with pants and boots on.

From Left to Right
Paul Dragon Reg, George HT Slim, Ringo Dragon Cheong, John Dragon Neo 3


Notes. The hands shown aren't final on Paul and Ringo. I raised Paul's heels a bit. I know it looks as if Paul and Ringo are about the same height in the pic, but Paul measures 10.5" neck to heel, Ringo is 10". John's joints are a bit loose so I'll have to add glue to tighten them up but they line up heightwise pretty well. If you're posing Ringo seated on his drum stool, his height is a non issue anyway. Also, when slipping the boots on, lubricate the insides first, they stick when dry and are a real bi-ch, but coat the insides with soap and water or dishwashing liquid and they'll slip right on.
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