NooOOOooo!! The Khev-est Timeline ... !At the moment it exists only in Khev Canon (meaning in some timeline out there a Khev is fighting a lonely fight online with his supporter Jye trying to explain to everyone else why it is secretly awesome and connects seamlessly to OT Star Wars and thus should be accepted) - we live in the TLJ Khev timeline but even our Khev can only laugh at this show.
He got Phantom Menaced. A Star Wars tradition at this point.Poor TM, I feel he knows Fett and in interviews he has the sad Mark Hamill face sometimes when he is saying things like Fett shouldn't talk so much but then he is overruled.
Mando style. Like when he was retrieving the Child.[...] but Boba, no way. He'd pick the guards off one by one (Rambo or Predator style).
I know that only a couple of people here agree with me but four years later and the TLJ canon is still as strong as ever. As I mentioned the other day I recently revisited Harmy ESB and was taken aback at two things: 1. How ridiculously different that Boba Fett is to what we're now getting and 2. How *well* the mighty ESB syncs with the ST and especially TLJ.This show is so weird. I hate it but at the same time it's the only show on at the moment that I actually bother to watch as it drops.
Mando Boba is like Jackson's LOTR and Book Boba is like his Hobbit trilogy. Maybe by the end someone will be able to edit it down to a show which is 2 to 3 hours long and includes only the salvageable parts. At the moment it exists only in Khev Canon (meaning in some timeline out there a Khev is fighting a lonely fight online with his supporter Jye trying to explain to everyone else why it is secretly awesome and connects seamlessly to OT Star Wars and thus should be accepted) - we live in the TLJ Khev timeline but even our Khev can only laugh at this show.
I wonder if he thinks he will get made into an action figure.Whatever this dude is called...View attachment 558113
Who needs 2 hands?? Mod me up baby...Whatever this dude is called...View attachment 558113
Yep. Won't lie - I'm disappointed.No kitchen droids poster? Fail.
Don’t be look up!Yep. Won't lie - I'm disappointed.![]()
I know that only a couple of people here agree with me but four years later and the TLJ canon is still as strong as ever. As I mentioned the other day I recently revisited Harmy ESB and was taken aback at two things: 1. How ridiculously different that Boba Fett is to what we're now getting and 2. How *well* the mighty ESB syncs with the ST and especially TLJ.
Every time ESB Fett appeared or opened his mouth it was a blatant reminder that that character no longer exists whereas there were so many moments where Yoda or Luke would do or say something that if I didn't know better would totally assume that ESB and TLJ were written at the same time with the intent to be one long story from the very beginning.
Almost all of Yoda's concerns ("If you end your training now, if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did, you will become an agent of evil," "I'm not afraid," "yeah, you will will be...") or teachings ("a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never attack," "luminous beings are we") that only barely manifest in the OT (or not at all) actually play out in the ST (especially TLJ). And say what you will about any faults of how the ST was made or written but at least all the Legacy characters look and act like themselves.
But BOBF? I was initially put off by him having his little code of honor even on Tython but quickly changed my tune when I realized that he might have very well been working for Gideon and playing everybody. Then I thought well even if he does stay good and doesn't look or sound at all like OT Fett I can accept the change as long as he's cool and a badass. BOBF is none of those things. Not an extension of OT Fett, not cool, not a badass. The only reason I'm enjoying this show is just because of how far they're going with the absurdity, somehow outdoing themselves every week, and the fact that SW has had these goofy made for TV side romps before with the Holiday Special, Ewok movies, and Droids cartoon.
The rocket-firing figure was recalled because it might've caused kids to choke to death, and now BoBF Fett is just making people gag.
And it's so frustrating that this entire scenario is still just a lingering byproduct of George screwing up Fett's death in ROTJ and then messing him up even further in AOTC/TCW.Love this post! Agree completely.
And yeah, in his brief time on screen, original ESB Fett exuded proficiency and a menacing persona with his posture, tone, actions, and (most significantly) implied context. The BoBF version is almost a complete 180 from that.
Hell, the first Kenner figure of Boba Fett is more menacing and dangerous than the current actual onscreen character.The rocket-firing figure was recalled because it might've caused kids to choke to death, and now BoBF Fett is just making people gag.
These kids get it (and give him better dialogue than this entire show, lol.)
And it's so frustrating that this entire scenario is still just a lingering byproduct of George screwing up Fett's death in ROTJ and then messing him up even further in AOTC/TCW.
These kids get it (and give him better dialogue than this entire show, lol.)
These kids get it (and give him better dialogue than this entire show, lol.)
Hand Solo?!Whatever this dude is called...View attachment 558113
Hand Solo?!