Got the base head from Ironman today!

Gimme a few days to get to it, as I have a ton of other work to get finished first, but with our schedule, I bet I have time.
I will post pics as I can. This base head is not bad at all, Steve! Good job picking one out.
Oh, if I am molding and casting this head (once finished) for anyone else to get, I will need to get some $$ in contributions for any mold/cast materials I use on it, otherwise, he's free as far as I am concerned. Oh, shipping fees to whomever of course. But no real fee from my end (unless you want him painted...). Just production & shipping costs for unpainted heads. (hopefully, LATER too...too much work to do to make too many right now, but I can make some later on, for the interested.)
I will freely ship the finished painted one to whomever gets it to use on the "official" memorial figure. That's on me, as is my paint of course.