The Chris Chulamanis Memorial Custom USCM Figure Project

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yeah I would love to get one of these. Although I didn't know the guy he seemed like a great guy , I put a little cash in the fund when he was in hospital which probably went to the funeral arrangements if they never managed to get the floral gift. I definitely will be interested in this actually. Lets just hope my walet lets me take one !.
I just stumbled on this thread because the name was vaguely familiar. I actually am from Parker, CO and met Chris in the mid 90s in the toy aisle of the Target in Parker where we talked for a while about 1/6 scale figures and various things, in which he told me he was working on various models including Aliens stuff. He gave me his business card and was really encouraging when I told him of some projects I wanted to do and gave me beginners advice for casting and stuff. I went on to see him occassionaly there. Back in the day, I was considering asking commissioning him to help with a Starship Trooper figure, but I was a poor college student at the time. Unfortunately, in the early 2000s I stopped collecting and lost touch of what he was doing. I am sad to see he has recently passed, but am glad to see he helped so many people really enjoy this hobby among other things.

RIP Chris.
I haven't posted anything here for awhile, been very busy with another project that was ahead of this one. But I do expect to get started on the armour fairly soon. Got all the Humbrol paints I'll need for it except for the "Brown Bess". Haven't heard from Stendec lately either, but I imagine he's still looking in here from time to time. I guess now would be a good time to see about arranging to borrow a bit of that Humbrol No. 170 we talked about earlier. If you're reading this Brother Sten, give us a holler and I'll email you about it.

As soon as I'm actually ready to get start on the armour I'll post another update here for all concerned. Btw, have we definitely decided on what kind of figure body we're going to use for Chris? Reason I ask is 'cause I'll want to use the same kind of body to assemble and fit the armour properly. If anyone can let me know fairly soon, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks guys! :D
I'd like to know the body also, as I have a nice Dragon head I am reworking soon for him, that was sent by Ironman. My guess is a Dragon, but let whoever needs to know, know. Hope all the others involved are still involved. This head stares at me daily from under my computer screen, so it's not like I will forget about it anytime soon.
We'll get him done! :rock
I don't know that it was ever formally decided who would assemble the finalized figure. As it was my idea in the beginning, I volunteer to try my hand at it. If someone has more experience or thinks they can do better justice to the end product just say so. There's no hard feelings here. The point of this whole project was to make it the best we could and, as far as I'm concerned that's still the goal.
I guess we never formally decided who would assemble the final figure, but I just sort of assumed DA Josh might be the one to do it, since I believe he's got the weathering duties and will probably be one of the last people to handle the figure before it's finished. For the sake of continuity, it might be best if he put the whole figure together and added the final finishing touches, but it all depends on whether he has the time and inclination to do all that. Guess we'd better discuss this with everybody and work it out pretty soon.

Ironman1188 got this project started, so I think it'd be fitting if he were one to present the figure, on behalf of us all, when it's complete. If he wants to be the one to handle the final assembly, that's perfectly fine with me. I'll just need to know where to send the armour when it's finished. I was planning to do some of the basic weathering myself, then send it on to DA Josh for final finishing with the rest of the uniform & gear, but if anyone has a different or better idea, just let me know!

So it looks like we'll be using a Dragon figure body, is that right? Probably be best, since the head is also Dragon. I have lots of Dragon figures to work with, so if everyone's okay with that, I'll fit the armour on a Dragon body then.
I had forgotten about the continuity of the assembly process. To that end, if Josh has the time I agree that, as he's weathering the rest, it might be a good idea for him to put him together so that the "right" look is achieved.
Something else I don't think we finalized, was how we are going to present this to Joy Chulamanis. She is going to be at DragonCon, spending all day and the official USCM Colonial Marine dinner the Saturday of DCon.

Les, do you think you will still be able to make it to DCon?

The USCM will be presenting Joy with a plaque- it has a picture of Chris carrying the USCM flag in the parade last year, and signatures of his USCM brothers.

She will also be presented with a USCM flag.

Do we want to arrange to present the Memorial figure at DCon or do something else?

Do we just send it to her or...?

Back to you guys!

Mudshark & we have all of the items we need for the custom figure for Chris ? I have some accessories if required....PM if needed otherwise will be going on the for sale board later this eve.:eek:
Man I wish! Not sure I can make DCon or not! I sure would love to though. I have a sister that lives in Atlanta, so staying somewhere is no problem, but the cost of the trip is (especially with gas what it is now!). Not sure about that one yet. I will see... I sure would love to be the one to give it to her though...but if not, I am sure we can work it out. I will try though. :rock

I will try to get the head done very soon. At least that will get done.

Keep it going guys! Let's not let this deadline get past us! She needs to get this figure that night!
When exactly is the DragonCon? If there's any way possible I'll try to have the armour done in time, but it would be extremely helpful to know what sort of dealine we're facing here. I have all the colors I need for the camouflage, but I don't have the Humbrol Brown Bess No. 170 for the pulse rifle and motion tracker yet. I think I can match the color close enough if I have to, but some of the real stuff would be great. Btw, has anyone heard from Stendec lately?
Dragoncon is Labor Day weekend, end of August- It's Saturday evening that we are having the dinner.

Hope you can make it Les!

Mudshark, I can send you my tin of Brown Bess, PM me your addy bro!

As far as gear is concerned, I'm going off memory here-

Chris's EVA kit included all the armor, helmet and bits, buckles etc. I think it had bdu's? Another buddy of Chris's just sent me a camo helmet cover-

What about the patch on Chris's helmet? If no-one has one, I think I do. Dcon 06 and earlier he had the patch, Dcon 07 he had some writing, plus the "dent" in the helmet front. I thought to combine the patch and dent?

I think we need a nice set of Nam jungle boots-

Green elastic for the grenade loops, green for the belt, harness and slings.

Anything else? Did I miss anything?

Dragoncon is Labor Day weekend, end of August- It's Saturday evening that we are having the dinner.

Hope you can make it Les!

Mudshark, I can send you my tin of Brown Bess, PM me your addy bro!

As far as gear is concerned, I'm going off memory here-

Chris's EVA kit included all the armor, helmet and bits, buckles etc. I think it had bdu's? Another buddy of Chris's just sent me a camo helmet cover-

What about the patch on Chris's helmet? If no-one has one, I think I do. Dcon 06 and earlier he had the patch, Dcon 07 he had some writing, plus the "dent" in the helmet front. I thought to combine the patch and dent?

I think we need a nice set of Nam jungle boots-

Green elastic for the grenade loops, green for the belt, harness and slings.

Anything else? Did I miss anything?


Thanks for the info and for offering to lend me your tin of Brown Bess! That takes care of the paint supply issue. You must've been reading my mind, 'cause I've been thinking it might be a good idea right about now to make up a complete checklist of everything we plan to include with the figure, along with the names of all the contributors and their contributions, to give us a better idea of what we already have and what may still be needed.

We should probably start by deciding on the version of Chris we indend to portray. From the photos I've seen, Chris wore quite a bit of personalized gear, in addition to his USCM issue uniform and equipment. I noticed extra pouches and a bandolier loaded with extra grenades, for example. The cover and patches you mentioned are another good example. We need to decide how the final figure is going to look.

Let's discuss it and figure out where we want to go, then put it all together in checklist form. Since Les already started a list on the first page of this thread, that would probably be the best place for it. As long as he doesn't mind updating it once in a while, that would make it easier to find quickly. Any comments or other suggestions, guys?
Thanks for the info and for offering to lend me your tin of Brown Bess! That takes care of the paint supply issue. You must've been reading my mind, 'cause I've been thinking it might be a good idea right about now to make up a complete checklist of everything we plan to include with the figure, along with the names of all the contributors and their contributions, to give us a better idea of what we already have and what may still be needed.

We should probably start by deciding on the version of Chris we indend to portray. From the photos I've seen, Chris wore quite a bit of personalized gear, in addition to his USCM issue uniform and equipment. I noticed extra pouches and a bandolier loaded with extra grenades, for example. The cover and patches you mentioned are another good example. We need to decide how the final figure is going to look.

Let's discuss it and figure out where we want to go, then put it all together in checklist form. Since Les already started a list on the first page of this thread, that would probably be the best place for it. As long as he doesn't mind updating it once in a while, that would make it easier to find quickly. Any comments or other suggestions, guys?

Sounds like a great idea! Let's get this project back into high gear!
Looks like we're making progress, albeit a little slow at the moment. I've begun filling, sanding and prepping the armour. Expect to start assemby in near future. Also dressed a Dragon figure in EVA BDU for fitting it.

Sent Hollis a PM about the Brown Bess and still waiting for a reply. In the meantime, here's a makeshift checklist I put together. I'm not 100% on all of this, so please feel free to add to it, update it or give it whatever it needs.

Chris Chulamanis Memorial Figure Project - Item Checklist

Dragon Models - G2 body (Ironman1188)
Dragon Models - Head (Ironman1188)
* Painting: Les Walker

EVA Models USCM Camo BDU Shirt/Trousers (Ironman1188)
* Weathering: DA Josh
Patches/Insignia: (HollisDZC: for helmet cover / Ironman1188: for uniform)
* Application: (DA Josh?)
Boots: Toy Soldier - Vietnam Jungle Boots w/Panama soles (DBoz)
* Weathering: DA Josh

Basic Equipment:
USCM Web Belt & Pouches (EVA Models: resin / Hot Toys: cloth) - (contributor?)
Portable Welder (EVA Models / Hot Toys) - (HollisDZC / tigerfeet)
Motion Tracker (EVA Models / Hot Toys) - (tigerfeet)
Belt Clip/Power Unit (Hot Toys) - (contributor?)
USCM Wristwatch/PDT (EVA / Hot Toys) - (HollisDZC)

Special Equipment:
Grenade Bandolier, Web, 12 loops w/plastic buckle - (custom?)
Shotgun Holster w/strap (Hicks type) - (Ironman1188?)
Electronic Bypass Kit Pouch (Hudson type) - (custom?)
PDT Locator (EVA Models) - (HollisDZC)
OG Utility Pouch (like first aid kit) - (custom?)

Body Armour:
Torso/Back, Groin and Greaves (EVA Models) - (HollisDZC)
Helmet & Camo Cover (EVA Models) - (HollisDZC)
Lamp Unit (EVA Models) - (HollisDZC)
* Assembly/Painting: Mudshark

M41A Pulse Rifle w/Sling - (Mudshark)
* Assembly/Painting: Mudshark
Shotgun - (contributor?)
Gerber Mk. II Combat Knife - (Ironman1188 or Mudshark)
M40 Grenades, HE (red cap) x 20 - (HollisDZC / tigerfeet/ more needed)
* Painting: Mudshark

Custom Base/Plaque:
Base construction - (HollisDZC) / donation offer - (tigerfeet)
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