The Cool T-Shirt Thread

Collector Freaks Forum

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Picked this one up over the weekend...


Very, very much agreed. And no light cycle.

It's odd, thinking "Hey, that's a bit TOO much Daft Punk", especially since they have almost no merch. But that design is a bit busy.

Hot Topic also has a black shirt that just has their Homework album art.
Very, very much agreed. And no light cycle.

It's odd, thinking "Hey, that's a bit TOO much Daft Punk", especially since they have almost no merch. But that design is a bit busy.

Hot Topic also has a black shirt that just has their Homework album art.

If it just had one image of Daft Punk on it instead of two, that shirt would look much better.

QFT.....I think people who wear that shirt are trying to hard to prove there fans. :monkey1

The simple text one is more like it.
If this shirt was official, I'd buy it in a heartbeat:


However, since it's on eBay, I'm sure it will be terribly printed, and come off in the wash in about two weeks.