But you, and Void have stated on many occasions, that those kinds of films are not your bag. You love everything Nolan-esq, and don't care so much for fun, adventurey films.
Coulson's death isn't supposed to ruin your life, or make you weep for the remainder of the movie. It's purpose to get you on the level of The Avengers. The stakes got higher, and the movie took a very logical serious turn.
It worked for many people because it was simple. Well known and likable character, dies, which causes them to work together. More people felt this emotion, then didn't. Most people loved the Avengers, then didn't. It didn't work for you, but that was on you.
It's like if someone doesn't get Inception. It's not Nolan's fault, he made the movie pretty easy to get, if you watch it correctly. If you weren't, the message would be lost on you.
Ya dig.