Super Freak
Letterman's a ____.
I'd think that Nolan would make Dave disappear for a very, very long time if he single-handedly spoiled the ending for anyone in the world who happened to be watching his show.
I'm not clicking on anything, reading any spoilers etc... so its hard to get a grasp on this story as I fear anything I'm going to read about it is going to end up spoiling me also, SO:
Did Letterman actually give away the ending? Or is it a joke? Did he "ruin" the ending by talking about some crazy thing that clearly isn't going to happen for laughs... and people are playing along. I find it very hard to believe that an interviewer of his level would spoil any movie... let alone one of this magnitude. Can someone set me straight without spoiling?
So it is true lol. Letterman did spoil the movie
I bet you can guess what the ending is Jye. "It's simple."