The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The real question is, does anybody still care? :dunno

cue gay Luke gif


Gay Luke is too scary looking.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

People actually believe 1989 Batman was a better film? Nostalgic no doubt but not better than at least BB's.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I guess the point i'm trying to make is, is 1989 Batman considered to some the better film cuz of nostalgia? I used to rank TDK pretty high (still think its also better than 89' Batman) but Batman Begins is where it's at imo.

"IMO" so don't call for my blood 89' freaks :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I guess the point i'm trying to make is, is 1989 Batman considered to some the better film cuz of nostalgia? I used to rank TDK pretty high (still think its also better than 89' Batman) but Batman Begins is where it's at imo.

"IMO" so don't call for my blood 89' freaks :lol

I actually like begins better than TDK. TDK is still an AMAZING film. I think of begins, TDK and soon rises, as one giant epic film.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

That video makes me lol every time.

As for what's better, it's all opinions any way. How I feel, how that quadcent dude feels above me, it's all opinion. There's no fact saying that one is better than the other. I know '89 and TDK are highly regarded by their fans but I don't see this clear cut victor of anything, any where.

Like Voorhees said "IMO".
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I like that keaton batman doesn't talk about not killing people and he kills people. Looking at it now, it's kinda looking back on like first appearance batman in the comics. except instead of breaking peoples necks with his foot and using a handgun he just drops you off of buildings mostly.

I really like the nolan movies but I don't like that he accidentally kills off or 'doesn't save' a major villain in each of the flicks while talking about never crossing that line throughout both of them.

I like nostalgia and modern classics!
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Nostalgia isn't the key factor, or a main factor in why people enjoy certain things. It may be one, but that doesn't apply to everyone that likes a certain thing. They like it because it was/is good, meets their tastes and they enjoy it. Film has changed, times have changed, but so what? Does that instantly make films that we love like Star Wars, Terminator or Batman invalid or obsolete? No. Sadly, when there are new Batman films in the future I'm sure these current films will be seen in a different light and immediately deemed obsolete.

Was everyone shouting "NOSTALGIA" when this film was critically acclaimed and a huge success in 1989? Nope.

I've seen people reminiscing about TDK which is four years now. Like "the first time I saw it" or "remember Joker in the trailer". Nostalgia by definition is, "a sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations" or the "evocation of these feelings or tendencies, esp. in commercialized form." So isn't it possible that people who prefer the current films are being influenced by nostalgia as well?

I hate seeing these "89 vs TDK" debates because both sides usually participate in double standards and bias. Why must there always be something that's "the best"? I don't even know which film I think is the most superior. Sometimes when I'm in a TDK mood, I'll watch and prefer TDK. When I want to watch '89, I'll watch '89 and get into it and think it's the best. Same with Batman Begins. It just depends. Recently with the Batman Returns Ht announcement I found myself watching and finding info about the film and digging it as well.
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