Super Freak
TV Spot #2 has aired as well... recording should be out anytime now I guess, it's Catwoman focused apparently
He doesn't mean liberation in the literal sense. He's being facetious. That's in the scene during the football game, and you know what happens there.
BTW, this more fun TV spot is obviously a direct result of the success of The Avengers.
TV Spot #2 has aired as well... recording should be out anytime now I guess, it's Catwoman focused apparently
TV Spot #2 has aired as well... recording should be out anytime now I guess, it's Catwoman focused apparently
And I totally called that being his new armoury
I don't think the old dude is Alfred though...
Well we know where those missiles must have come from at the end of the second theatrical trailer.
Here's the second new tv spot of the day (aired during Modern Family):
Lol you beat me to it, void. Jerk.