The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Hey, while I understand it sucks for UK fans not to get a midnight show before the US, as an American, it's kind of nice to see an American hero given to the American audiences first for a change.

Avengers was released to Asia first, IIRC? It doesn't get more American than Captain America, does it?

Now, if the US got a James Bond showing before the UK, that would be something to be up in arms about. :panic:

All that said, I know fandom knows no national boundaries, so while it may make sense from the above p.o.v. (and from WB's reasoning), for a fan of a property that happens to live in the "wrong" country, it just sucks.

well, It seems to me that lately movies are doing better Box Office wise over seas no? isn't that why they are getting all the movies first? a lot of times you hear about a movie not doing very well here in US but then overseas it does really good, even bad movies tend to do really well in other countries, I always thought they are just opening there first because of this, I might be totally wrong

so this is why Leonardo is not the Riddler then. because Bale said so
Sans lube. :wink1:

Ew, that's gotta hurt.

Hey, while I understand it sucks for UK fans not to get a midnight show before the US, as an American, it's kind of nice to see an American hero given to the American audiences first for a change.

Accept this American super-hero flick is directed by a britt, written by a brit, scored by a german, and it's 2 main leads are britts.


It's... interesting... that I'll probably see this movie twice before void gets to see it. (Don't tase, me bro :lol)

:lol i'll see it in my local theater at midnight, than make a 2 hour drive to see it in IMAX the next morning before Void see's it. :lol

I plan on PMing him all the spoilers. :lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly:

Wait, I thought you were waiting for the DVD. :huh
Accept this American super-hero flick is directed by a britt, written by a brit, scored by a german, and it's 2 main leads are britts.


I definitely accept it. And I actually like what they've done with it. But at the end of the day, they recognize the American-ness of the character/icon...They didn't rewrite Gotham as a fictional British city. Bale makes a conscious effort to do promotional interviews for the Bat-films in his "American" accent.

Btw, Nolan was born in London, to an American mother (and British father), and has dual UK/US citizenship. But that's splitting hairs. ;)
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