Broke and happy
I plan on PMing him all the spoilers.
You really will be going intothevoid
I plan on PMing him all the spoilers.
I plan on PMing him all the spoilers.
Same here although the midnight show will be in an Imax.
I would think all three would be in IMAX or at least that's what I'm hoping.
None are I thought, or it might be a liemax.
Hey, while I understand it sucks for UK fans not to get a midnight show before the US, as an American, it's kind of nice to see an American hero given to the American audiences first for a change.
Avengers was released to Asia first, IIRC? It doesn't get more American than Captain America, does it?
Now, if the US got a James Bond showing before the UK, that would be something to be up in arms about.
All that said, I know fandom knows no national boundaries, so while it may make sense from the above p.o.v. (and from WB's reasoning), for a fan of a property that happens to live in the "wrong" country, it just sucks.
You really will be going intothevoid
Sans lube.
Ew, that's gotta hurt.
IMAX Manchester premiere seats booked! Bosh!
Hey, while I understand it sucks for UK fans not to get a midnight show before the US, as an American, it's kind of nice to see an American hero given to the American audiences first for a change.
It's... interesting... that I'll probably see this movie twice before void gets to see it. (Don't tase, me bro )
I plan on PMing him all the spoilers.
Wait, I thought you were waiting for the DVD.
Accept this American super-hero flick is directed by a britt, written by a brit, scored by a german, and it's 2 main leads are britts.