Re: re
I have way too many items on pre-order - especially after purchasing an 1/4 Alien Queen bust & original MR AT-AT, and the recent con releases. Many may end up being cancelled or sold but i'll see how I go. So far my orders include:
• Mumak of Harad (always wanted but disappointed with pose)
• Peter Jackson as a Corsair (not at the top of list of must have's)
• Aragorn at the Black Gates (agree with others concerns about colour, may cancel & buy cheaper on eBay)
• Legolas and Gimli on Arod
• Battle Troll of Mordor
• King of the Dead
• Lady Galadriel Statue
• Pippin, Guard of the Citadel
• The Dark Lord Sauron (will fight to the end for this one!)
• 1:4 Scale Han Solo
• 1:4 Scale Darth Vader - Sideshow Exclusive
• General Grievous Figure - Sideshow Exclusive
• Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars (will probably cancel this one)
• 1:4 Scale Obi-Wan Kenobi - Sideshow Exclusive
• Darth Maul Life-Size Bust (will probably cancel, can't afford to get into another new line)
• Doctor Doom - Sideshow Exclusive (will not give this one up!)
• X-Men vs. Sentinel Diorama - Sideshow Exclusive (lovin' this Marvel line)
• Wolverine Vs. Sabertooth - Sideshow Exclusive
• The Thing 1/4 scale Maquette (will probably cancel this one too)
• T2 1:1 Scale "Rosebox" Shotgun Replica (probably cancel due to guns & customs)
• The Predator Maquette - Sideshow Exclusive (sooo expensive :x )
• 'Legend' 1:1 Scale Bust (will probably cancel this one too)
All together this adds up to: $7,423!! Plus whatever shipping & customs I have to pay to Australia.
My god, I think i'm gonna