saw this a couple of days ago. SUCKS. big time. never have i been so friggin bored by an action movie this year. even the awful ones, like legend of hercules (which incidentally also starred kellan lutz) had a so-bad-it's-almost-good cheesy fun to it. this one was lacking the very thing part2 had in spades --- a good-natured sense of fun. part3 was mostly just dour and self-serious, with sly moping about mortality and leaving friends behind. the "young" cast were either forgettable or plain horrible (ronda rousey, please stick to MMA). the new old guys were hardly used (wesley snipes, harrison ford and kelsey grammer aren't in this enough). the only ones who looked like they were having a good time were arnie and antonio banderas, with the latter in particular coming off like he was acting in a completely different movie from everyone else.
the action scenes themselves were pedestrian, with actors looking like they were just going through the motions. worst of all, mel gibson was utterly wasted. he could've been a great bad guy, but they just had him standing around most of the time barking orders and issuing empty threats. then during the big showdown, it's over before really getting started. total anti-climax. this deserves to bomb.