The Expendables 3

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That's cool. I kinda missed Rourke in the second one, and Jackie Chan is a way better fit for these movies than Jet Li.

Antonio Banderas? Meh. :dunno
I always thought he played an amazing bad guy/badass. Snakes a bad guy but as likable as they come. Even Stuntman Mike as crazy and even prissy as he gets with that scream remains likable in some bizarre way. Was so dissapointed when he walked away from Django.
Awesome. I'm pulling for Michael Beihn and Kurt Russell, would love to see them in this.

Very good...Even a Bill Paxton or James Woods....I would just love to see even a small tiny cameo by Burt Reynolds and Clint Eastwood...just a dream I guess...but I gotta admit I wont see it in the theaters
I really hope Jean Claude comes back. I thought he was great in the last one.

He can have a twin brother just like Double Impact.
Steven Seagal might join.

Sly Stallone has taken to Twitter to confirm those involved in the upcoming The Expendables 3, and has hinted that '90s action powerhouse Steven Seagal may join the cast.

"Just talked to Steven S. in Moscow," Stallone Tweeted. "Sounds great and says he wants to be in EX3, if the part fits..."

It was one in a series of playful Tweets from the star recently, who confirmed Jackie Chan, Wesley Snipes and Mickey Rourke in a similar manner. "What's the plan? Ask Jackie Chan." "Mighty Mickey is back..........." "Talked to WESLEY today ... He can not WAIT to fight to the top again !!!!!!! Over..."

Stallone also made his ambitions clear for the third film, citing 2011 thriller The Raid: Redemption as the benchmark to be topped.

"We believe we can do better than the RAID," Stallone Tweeted. "Which was an excellent film... Raising the bar..."

Stallone recently confirmed that Aussie director Patrick Hughes will helm the third instalment of the guns n' muscles franchise.