Action Figure The Fallout collectibles thread

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Beware of T Posing menace
I don’t have the power armor chassis so I just put it on a figure until I get the T-60 when it released and This T-45 set is one of my favorite Power Armor from the games.
Makes you realise how derpy the NCR Salvaged T-45s would look in the modern artstyle, since they're literally what you've done there - the plating without the exoskeleton.

Gotta imagine the NCR elites would be a lot less threatening to look at when they're all walking around like:

Wait? You didn’t want to spend $700+ on the threezero one?!?!

In all seriousness though man it looks great, you did an amazing job with that
Oh boy doesn't want to spend that much on what basically a diorama set.
Oh My God Wow GIF

Joking aside
Printing it and modifying save me alot of money soon will update the modified one.