Highly improbable that SS will get the license for Hobbit...at least initially. Weta is in neck-deep with the movies (also Jackson is a partner in the company); they're not going to give anybody the initial statues, weapons, helms, etc., license until they want to move on to other things themselves (as they did with LOTR).
SS really didn't have to go out and get the 1/6 or the dio or PF line. They had plenty of other franchises in their stable. Star Wars alone would have been plenty. Granted, if they didn't think there was some profit still to be made from LOTR, they wouldn't have done it. Now, the majority of the collector base have moved away from LOTR into the next latest/greatest so all of us die-hards are facing less products and eventually, SS will have to move on as well. It's a reality that we must face. As for Faramir.......I truly believe they got him out first because they LISTENED to all the crying we did when Weta ended their LOTR involvement without finishing up the major secondary characters (Haldir, Eowyn bust, Denethor, and Faramir) -- especially Faramir. Whether he was a home run is immaterial IMO, SS listened.