The First FANTASTIC FOUR was Terribly Underrated!!!

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Super Freak
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Honestly, I think I am one of six people on this planet who thoroughly enjoyed the FF movie. Seriously, it is probably my in my top five favorite comicbook/superhero films of all time (In no particular order, behind SUPERMAN, SUPERMAN II, BATMAN (1989), SPIDER-MAN 2, and PUNISHER (2004)

Not all movies based on another source are going to be 100% faithful to the original material. One has to enjoy a film for what it is without any bias. As a huge James Bond fan, I was pumped for CASINO ROYALE. The weeks leading up to the film, I rewatched most of the previous 007 films, and I read the original Fleming novel. On my first viewing opening night, I was slightly let down. Then, I thought about it alot, and saw it the next day, knowing what to expect. I LOVED it, and saw it five more times in theaters. It is curently one one my ALL time favorite Bond films (that being said, I still don't care for Daniel Craig in the role, but that didn't prevent me from enjoying the movie.)

FANTASTIC FOUR was a whole nother story. Growing up, I never cared about the FF. I liked the X-Men and Spider-man, but I never read a FF comic or cared for their cartoons.
When the film came out, I was dragged to see it with some of my family members from out of town. Not only was I indifferent to the source material, but I was put off by the terrible reviews.

At the end of the movie, I realized how wrong I was all along.
The film was thoroughly entertaining, had a decent cast, the action was top notch, and it was a much more enjoyable experience than that year's BATMAN BEGINS (although that was an excellent film as well.)

If I go see a superhero movie, I don't want some longwinded drama, I want to see a fun, funny and enjoyable action movie.
With that criteria, FF more than delivered.

Further viewings of the film on HBO and CineMAX have placed the film in my list of favorite comic book films, and gave me a new look at the team. It was because of the film, that I was interested in reading the original comics, thus inspiring me to get into Marvel Masterworks. Sure, the comics and movie were pretty different, but most of the changes were for the better, cinematically.

And yes, I liked McMahon in the Doom role. Of course, other than in appearance, the character is almost completely diffrent from the one created by Lee and Kirby, but it worked for the film. A scarred gypsy Baron/Dictator who speaks in the third person, has no powers what so ever, and dabbles in magic works great in the realm of comic books, and even in an old Universal or Hammer horror film, but it wouldn't be so hot in 2005, if translated perfectly. The movie's added powers made sense, since movie goers want to see a superpowered team face a powerful, larger-than-life villain who can hold his own in an epic fight.

Plus, his movie origin makes him more intertwined with the FF, thus solidifying him as their arch enemy.
But, we do know he was born in Latveria, he is extremely arogant, and narcissistic, has a past with Ben and Reed, and is returing to his native land for the next film. The rest of his past and future is still a mystery, so he could have more in common with the comic character than we think.
Those are probably the most important aspects of the comic book Doom.
I can definitely see why purists would hate the changes, but like I said, the film should be judged for what it is.
I had never read the FF4 comics so I didn't have any expectations of anything living up to the comics. But this movie just didn't do it for me. I've tried so hard to like it and I just can't. It certainly isn't terrible, but the fight scenes are brutal at best (which are really supposed to set a comic movie apart).

I've tried watching this a few times on HBO hoping it would grow on me. It didn't :monkey1
Nope thought it was mediocre at best first time I watched it.
Watched it again on dvd thought what a waste.
I honestly did not mind this flick. It wasn't on the scale of any of the spidey movies or batman begins, but I thought it was a good "fun" movie. The reason why I highlighted FUN was I think it was a different type of movie compared to batman and spidey. They seemed to have taken a more humor approach to the movie with johnny and ben constantly bickering. It did not have the deepest story lines nor did it have intense action sequenes until maybe the end, but again I thought it was a fun movie. I never really read their comics either so maybe that helped me. :dunno
Yeah... That movie sucked more than anything else I've ever seen. Absolutely horrid. Crappy actors and director are the primary reason, but the script... Wow... What a hideous script.
I walked out of the movie feeling very disppointed. I did buy the dvd just to complete the collection of superhero movies though. I saw it on dvd and thought, "yeah, pretty mediocre".
I too am one of the few who really liked this movie. I thought the casting of the F4 was great....Doom could have been better though. He was my only complaint.

I really enjoyed it and look forward to part 2.
I enjoyed it for what it was. I have it on DVD and watch it rarely, but I think it did its job as a action/comic movie.

I look forward to FF2 also.
My expectations were really low to begin with and they didn't really surpass. I love Jessica Alba but feel she was seriously miscast as Sue Storm. I felt that Chris Evans and MIchael Chiklis were perfectly cast as Human Torch and the Thing. I didn't like the Thing's overall design, felt he should have been bigger and a little more like the comic version and absolutely hated Ioan Gruffudd as Reed Richards. I thought his portrayal came off more whiny and less refined, Reed is supposed to be a supernerd who speaks in higher level terms and doesn't apologize for them, in fact more often than not its Sue who is translating not to mention he is supposed to be overzealous of his work to the point of psychosis. I didn't get any of that from Gruffudd just a whiny, half attempt at it. Horrible casting IMHO. As for McMahon as Doom, I understand the reasoning for changing his origin and it stuck very close to the Ultimate Fantastic Four storyline going at the time but he wasn't arrogant and royal enough for me. Doom is supposed to be a larger than life person whom is in a suit, not trying to be a larger than life person because he now has powers. His anger, his distaste for those beneath him should have translated before the powers and then it should have continued forward from there. Also I didn't like the suit, with as pompous as Doom is, I could see him walking around in his standard design with hood and cape even in 2005, it add to the superiority of the character as if he doesn't care what year it is he is still Doom and he is still royal.

I'm excited for FF2 because of the Silver Surfer, an underrated character in the Marvel Universe, and I'm interested to see the interaction with the new, improved Doom. Other than that my expectations are still really low.
Collector Freak said:
Yeah... That movie sucked more than anything else I've ever seen. Absolutely horrid. Crappy actors and director are the primary reason, but the script... Wow... What a hideous script.

true that.
I had a huge amount of goodwill going into the first Fantastic Four movie and even after repeated viewings I cannot consider it a great or even good movie. I want to love it but just can't bring myself to do so. It's not as bad as some would suggest, but it's not amongst my favorite comic book movies by any stretch of the imagination.
tomandshell said:
I had a huge amount of goodwill going into the first Fantastic Four movie and even after repeated viewings I cannot consider it a great or even good movie. I want to love it but just can't bring myself to do so. It's not as bad as some would suggest, but it's not amongst my favorite comic book movies by any stretch of the imagination.

That was how I felt about it too. Johnny and Thing were cast perfectly, and Mcmahon did a decent job with Doom... but Alba and Gruffudd didn't seem like the Sue and Reed I know from the comics. Still decent, but not what I would have gone for. I really wanted to love that movie, it being the FF after all... But I still find myself disappointed to this day. I'm really hoping that part 2 makes me feel better. I know the new trailer makes me feel like it will....
I liked the first Fantastic Four movie. It wasn't attrocius and it wasn't great. It was something in between, but a decent popcorn movie to watch on a rainy day.