I’m not sure if this is a cry for help. Because extreme behaviors at this magnitude never have a good ending. Smh…
Guys like this should get into martial arts.
Do lots of sparring and hit people and get hit and have it formalized so you can get it out of your system. I knew lots of people like this when I trained martial arts. Guys who would have gotten arrested for everything had they not had some kind of outlet.
While this might sound bizarre, there are apparently lots of fistfights that break out in karaoke bars around the world. Apparently in some countries, some songs are banned, because it triggers people, mix in booze and probably hard drugs, and maybe vying for the attention of good looking women, and there are punches getting tossed.
Part of life is being self aware enough to understand who you are and your nature and how that can mess with your productive life. Ezra Miller is likely a high conflict personality. So do things to curb that and get it out of your system.
I'm a high conflict personality. I had to come to terms with that. One of the reasons I avoided nearly all customizers in this hobby is the rate of theft. And I know myself. I'd be like that Giant in Game Of Thrones and start picking people up and tossing them against ice walls and start suplexing people on concrete.
The problem is Miller is wealthy, famous and probably can get laid almost at will. When you live a life where no one says "No" most of the time, that will start to screw with anyone, especially if they've already got mental health stuff going on, that pained artist ******** thing that happens and can't see their own flaws.
He's not boring though, you got to give him that. And that's something no one teaches you in college. Men do much of what they do to attract women and women hate boring. No matter what most women say out loud, many love drama and conflict and a sort of refined chaos. And many men will just do whatever it takes to simp to them. Miller has every incentive to keep doing what he's done because there's a return, tragically, on that messed up investment.
If there's a lesson here - Everyone has problems. Everyone has demons they sleep with at night. Fame, wealth, power and all that doesn't change the human condition. We all suffer in some way, some just have more of a presentation to protect their perceived image than others. It's cathartic when people get old enough and enough life experience and even enough dating/relationship experience, to figure out nearly all people are the same. That's the point where you make the distinction on the really interesting and cool people in your life. It helps you cherish them.
It should say a lot about the human condition that Grant Gustin is probably crying somewhere alone in a room, wearing a rubber suit, wishing he could have had Miller's career instead.
Ezra Miller is just your basic psychopath. He just has a bigger stage.
I would totally love to get into a fist fight with Ezra Miller. He'd try something crazy he learned in actor training and I'd just suplex him. Then nail him with a People's Elbow. I'd just start shouting lines from Denzel Washington movies at him while I did it.
"Nobody Told You To Smoke That Thing. You Made The Decision. Live With Your Decision. Ain't Like I Put A Gun To Your Head! Ezra!"