The Flash - July 2022

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That’s what’s cracking me up. They sunk at least $300 million on this to “create a multiverse”…

… but they already established it. With the same actor. On a much lower-budget TV show.

Same result. A fraction of the cost and investment.
OG Flash: "Why is this creep touching me?"
From a narrative standpoint, it's hard to say.

From a marketing standpoint, I'd suggest that it was the best move given the total situation of the DCEU.

Even if it doesn't completely work out, it opens the door for Burtonverse Catwoman and Penguin as future possibilities. And I can't lie, I'd like to see Jim Carrey back as The Riddler in some fashion. I know that edges out of the Burton realm, but a few of the Burton characters carried over into the Schumaker zone. Maybe that drags them in too.

Yeah, I think so. Keaton’s presence might be the only thing that saves this movie from joining Shazam 2 on the junk heap of DC 2023 box office failures, thanks to WB’s reboot announcement, last year.

Just started watching and in typical Snyder fashion he got kicked out of boarding school for doing an Apocalypse Now remake about the school... :lol
I just started watching as well and I couldn't help noticing that (a) that one Russo brother has a god awful hairpiece and (b) the pizza was getting cold. Given their penchant for gabbing they could have gotten away with a small Domino's.

Can't imagine there's much left that hasn't been shown in the trailers yet. One or more of the heroes sacrificing themselves so the surviving heroes can yell "NOOOOO!!" at the camera with snotty crying face.

Pretty dumb to replay the events of Superman Man of Steel without Superman Man of Steel.

I thought it was already weak to trot Keaton out and make him say "I'm Batman" for the eight millionth time. Poor guy. That'll be on his tombstone.

But having him say "Let's get nuts" again....really?? That's so sad. Is he gonna repeat Joker's line about devils in moonlight, too?

Keaton is pretty much the only reason I’m interested, and even then it just feels like he’s on autopilot doing his greatest hits from yesteryear.

I’m… underwhelmed. I don’t want 70 year old Keaton dragged out to prop up Ezra’s movie.

Imagine if it was a proper old man Burton-style Keaton-only movie. Dark and sinister. Shades of Batman Beyond as he grapples with his legacy. A brooding Bruce without a wacky Barry zipping around and fighting aliens in the middle of the day.

I don’t see Keaton coming back to anything after this. Eh. Good luck to the film. It’s definitely not what I wanted for Batman or The Flash.
Keaton is a CGI quip machine in this movie, not the Batman you old folks remember.
I promise not to rag on this too much, but I remember the stories about how in the original Burton movies, Batman had a LOT more lines. He was going to give heroic speeches, more quippy puns and one-liners, and generally be more talkative, and Keaton convinced them to scrap most of it and let him be a quiet, stoic character who was scarier without chatty quotes.