Well if it's 2014, that'd be the 60th Anniversary, but seems weird to be planning that far ahead already, and why bother only making them for anniversaries, the G fanbase I'm sure would love more movies, regardless of them being released at some special date. If Toho makes Godzilla movies, I'm watching and owning them.
As for American studios making one, I had my hopes back in 1997 when I heard of the movie coming that it would in essence be just like the Japanese films, only superior CGI and suit work, no dubbing, more realistic sets, and perhaps a real solid story. I like the movie that was made, but I look at it as just a cool monster movie, not a Godzilla movie, nothing about it embodies what Godzilla's about, short of a huge lizard with spines on his back that breaths fire. Japanese Godzilla is symbolic of nature fighting back against man's atrocities, American Godzilla was just about taking a realistic approach to origins and everything. I don't think there's an American film maker that could do a Godzilla movie and not lose the essence of the character, I think it'd always be like what was made or a Michael Bay type movie.