Super Freak
Have you http for Michaels store?
Try searching for miniature watch on ebay in the dolls & bears section, i picked some up a little while ago.
Stevo makes one but he's not taking new orders at the moment.
I'm still waiting for my Blondie spurs from Stevo but My Colonel Mortimer, Angel Eyes and Tuco are now complete. Hopefully i can get some pictures next week.
Here's mine so far. Need to paint the heads, add the cobra to the pistol grip, find some spurs, and weather the clothing a bit.
I know it's not the most accurate outfit, but it works fine for me. Shirt was random find on ebay, pants are Barbie Edward with a button added to the front, body is a DID new era (I believe it belonged to Patton)
I'll have to take a look at the Churchill, thanks.
Thanks for the link, they are already gone though. I'll keep my eyes open.
Looks great what headsculpt are you using? Is it VM ?
Finally I got my Blondie. I need get the spurs, and It will be complete.