The Head of Captain Solo

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Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

Got mine in the mail on Saturday... sadly I got so out of routine with the holidays I didn't even check for mail until Sunday :lol

Cast looks great; hope to paint it up either tonight or tomorrow :rock
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

I can take a pic for you if no one else does it before I get home... I started porting the ESB stuff over to a TT body and it looks great so far. I'll need to make a new hole in Han's belt, but aside from that everything else seems to fit nicely... also gave him a pair of leatherlike boots which looks quite nice :rock

I'm gonna shoot for painting this tonight as I'm pretty excited about it, but I can't always control my schedule :lol At the very least I'll get him dremmeled and ready to paint.
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

Here's my take on him... love the new sculpt and the Sideshow clothing on a HT body is a massive improvement. Eagle eyes will also notice the new boots :lol


Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

Hey, you got him painted, awesome GB!

I'll need to swap mine out whenever I get a chance.

Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

Yeah, although I really messed up quite a lot on this one... first my lighter skin tone was off, so that took awhile to sort out then I kept rubbing off the high points of the hair when I was trying to seal it; damn thing fought me every step of the way :lol
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

I wonder how this looks size wise when next to a HT Luke?

Here he is next to Luke, his head is bigger but I think it's appropriately so.


And another shot of Han:
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

BEAUTIFUL!! Great job man! Can't wait to get mine. :)
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

You'll be very happy with it Brinn... I was thinking I'd prefer him to be neckless, but in person I can tell the neck was definitely the right choice. I think he would have looked too thin with anything else.
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

Wow, what an improvement! It looks great. How do you paint so precisely on a small sculpt? I've been trying and it is difficult. My paint apps also show the brush strokes. How do you get away from that?
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

I use cheap-o acrylic paints... but if you water them down a bit (like 25%) it thins them out and you can get less noticable brush stokes. Straight paint out of a tube is just too thick and tends to fill in details and leave lines.
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

cool, thanks. I do water mine down, and I buy the cheap stuff too, but it doesn't seem to cover the paint underneath. I guess I need to keep practicing.
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

Hmmm? Do you apply a lot of paint at once? I generally use pretty thin layers and I try to get as much paint off of the brush before I apply a layer (close to dry-brushing). Lately I've been doing 2 thin layers of a darker base tone (close to a burnt sienna) then 2 layers of a lighter skin tone (closer to the final tone). But the layers are pretty thin... now interestingly they always look kind of odd and splotchy, but for some reason when you apply a flat sealer (I use model masters, which is kind of pricey) it ends up looking even and smooth :huh

Maybe some of that helps... but it does seem like a lot of it is trial and error.
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

Yeah, I usually try to get it all done at once. I guess it shows. I do have the matte sealer but forgot to use it. I'll have to remember that next time I paint. Thanks for the tips.

What about the issue of painting on such small sculpts? Do you use a brush with only one hair? Use a magnifying glass? The eyes are mainly what I'm referring to.
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

I bought some fine-tipped brushes recently (but they are not a single hair) that I've really liked and I got a pair of those magnifying goggles you can find at craft stores... those help a lot in seeing what you are doing with those tiny-ass eyes :lol
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

Thanks. I'll have to get some of those as my eyes ain't what they used to be! Then, I just have to remove the horrible paint app I've already done and start over.
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

Yes eyes are most definitely the hardest to do... I worked on 1:18 scale and it was truly hard to do... Reason I switched to 1:6 was because better detail and canvas.
Re: The Head of Captain Solo (WiP) New Pics in Post #38

I couldn't imagine trying to paint in that scale :google :lol