The Horror! OH THE HORROR!!!!!

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oh I know how you feel... I am moving in two weeks and it took me 6 hours... yes 6... to pack all my statues... and then I was so exhausted the box with my Galadrim bust fell on the floor... it was just in the styrofoam and I tried to shove the foam in the box... and he fell out of the foam on the floor. Can we say instant heart attack... but thank God nothing happened to it. Since I do not want anyone else to touch my statues I guess I will have to make a few car trips myself. I did not realize how many I had until I had to pack em all again. Good luck with all your moves yourself. I will burn candles for all of us. :grouphug
I Find Myself Pretty Lucky. I Have Yet To Have To Repack Any Statue Or Bust. Once I Open & Unpack, It Is Up On The Shelf. The Only Time I Have To Unpak Them & Repack Them, Is When I Buy One For A Gift. Then I Always Open To Check For Damages. But I Was Always Worried On The Repackage. When The Styrofoam Would Not Fit Up Quite The Way It Should. I Hate To Think Of The Day That I Need To Pack All Of Mine Up.
GrueSam said:
Gareth, where are ya moving to? Silverlake?

hehe.. why would you say Silverlake? No, I'm moving to West Hollywood, just off of Melrose near the Design Center.

Mithrandier said:
I Find Myself Pretty Lucky. I Have Yet To Have To Repack Any Statue Or Bust. Once I Open & Unpack, It Is Up On The Shelf. The Only Time I Have To Unpak Them & Repack Them, Is When I Buy One For A Gift. Then I Always Open To Check For Damages. But I Was Always Worried On The Repackage. When The Styrofoam Would Not Fit Up Quite The Way It Should. I Hate To Think Of The Day That I Need To Pack All Of Mine Up.

Took me a couple minutes to figure out what was odd about this paragraph. Then I realized, the first letter of every word was capitalized (or is it capitolized???). Just found that amusing.. its funny when the eye registers something that the brain cannot... my brain at least...
I had the caps lock on & when I submitted the message, it automatically turned the letters to lowercase. I screwed up & have done this a few other places as well. Sorry about that.