I don't know if twitter became a haven for retarded people, or this is just the way people are now, but, this is not the first time I am surprised at how stupid people can be, this is like the 4th time that twitter shows just how stupid people are right now..
Whitney Houston Died, Even if you were not a fan, You must have an idea who she is, I mean, people were posting pics of Oprah and saying rip Whitney, I mean... and then there were like a lot of tweets of people that had Zero idea of who Paul McCartney is, I mean, Even if you Don't know, How long can a Google Search take? 10 seconds? I mean seriously,
the more people have access to information the dumber and stupid they get, this is a really annoying trend, people online not knowing anything...
is like when SOPA was about to pass, there were so many posts about people thinking that it was meant to be Soap day, a day to celebrate soap or some stupid crap
or when people were talking about MLK day, a lot of idiots were asking on tweeter if it was Milk day, Milk...
... sometimes I think its people joking, but, sometimes like in the case with this girl, is not
Whitney Houston Died, Even if you were not a fan, You must have an idea who she is, I mean, people were posting pics of Oprah and saying rip Whitney, I mean... and then there were like a lot of tweets of people that had Zero idea of who Paul McCartney is, I mean, Even if you Don't know, How long can a Google Search take? 10 seconds? I mean seriously,
the more people have access to information the dumber and stupid they get, this is a really annoying trend, people online not knowing anything...
is like when SOPA was about to pass, there were so many posts about people thinking that it was meant to be Soap day, a day to celebrate soap or some stupid crap
or when people were talking about MLK day, a lot of idiots were asking on tweeter if it was Milk day, Milk...
... sometimes I think its people joking, but, sometimes like in the case with this girl, is not