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yeah the look of that keeps growin on me more and more... at first the oversized shoulder gimmicks were offputting... but its grown on me some...
The shoulders are ridiculously sized, but for some reason, it fits with the style of the figure. I wish Mezco would get some more figures up for preorder. They are dragging ass with preorders and shipping.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high, but I have a good feeling about the movie. I hope they don't try to cram in a bunch of unnecessary nonsense and just concentrate on her story.
No to both. BvS was a disappointing mess, and Suicide Squad was a disappointing mess with more jokes. That's why I don't want to get my hopes up for Wonder Woman--though I've liked everything I've seen from it so far.

Either way, with Geoff Johns running the ship now, I believe hope has been restored. I personally loved BvS and liked SS.
Either way, with Geoff Johns running the ship now, I believe hope has been restored.

DC needs someone to keep everything together. For me, the new DC films haven't had the right tone or character development, and the plots have been pretty muddled because they're trying to do too much at once. I don't know if I have that much faith in Geoff Johns, but at least they're trying.
The Lego Batman Movie even has Gremlins & King Kong in it. :lol


I believe they are not

It looks like they're going that way judging by the trailer (not indestructible).

This is going to be odd. I thought all amazonians were like wonder woman.

It depends on which version you follow in the comics. They started making her more like Superman where she could fly and was pretty indestructible. I prefer her having to use the silver bracelets to block bullets.

Maybe it's the armor. :lol