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i am utterly amazed at how bad detolfs are for NOT keeping out dust! i am moving some stuff around and trying to make room for shiz i still have piled up in boxes, (durden, matrix, pinkman, and the 6 i have sitting on my desk... god i need an intervention)... but the amount of dust that is inside vs. the outside is nearly the same. there's a little difference i guess... but dam i just never realized how bad they really are! i'm thinking of just going to some shelves or something as the detolf look is loosing its appeal to me... and the dust is just as bad as leaving them open!
i am utterly amazed at how bad detolfs are for NOT keeping out dust! i am moving some stuff around and trying to make room for shiz i still have piled up in boxes, (durden, matrix, pinkman, and the 6 i have sitting on my desk... god i need an intervention)... but the amount of dust that is inside vs. the outside is nearly the same. there's a little difference i guess... but dam i just never realized how bad they really are! i'm thinking of just going to some shelves or something as the detolf look is loosing its appeal to me... and the dust is just as bad as leaving them open!

I think the little seams on the detolfs only magnifies dust intake or sorts. I had to seal my cheap ass cabinet with epoxy to keep those dust out since some figures (like the DX08 Joker) are super allergic to them. :lol
Speaking of robbery, I just sold my McFarlane Snake Plissken for $5.. I need to downsize my collection so he had to go. Definitely a mind blowing figure for 2001.

That reminded me. I had my SSC Snake head repainted, but I don't like. I had bought a loose head but there's a small spot that's missing paint. I was going to buy some really light brown and try to cover it up.
I think the little seams on the detolfs only magnifies dust intake or sorts. I had to seal my cheap ass cabinet with epoxy to keep those dust out since some figures (like the DX08 Joker) are super allergic to them. :lol


plus some of the shelves like snake has, you don't have to be sticking out as deep to display stuff like w/ a detolf. and honestly, to me detolfs look retarded w/ anymore than 3 per shelf. i have no idea how / why people stack 4, 5 ,6 figures on a shelf! looks like a total mess and it's like, what's the point cause it looks sloppy and you really can't see anything besides the one or 2 in the front? so a shallower shelving unit seems like it displays better anyway as things are more lined up and visible. and it don't matter as dust screws you either way!
I don't put more than 3 on a shelf if I can help it. I do have 4 in my Godfather display, but I don't think it looks bad.


Generally though, 4 or more looks too crowded. Seeing that pic makes me realize I really need to take new pics of my collection.
i am utterly amazed at how bad detolfs are for NOT keeping out dust! i am moving some stuff around and trying to make room for shiz i still have piled up in boxes, (durden, matrix, pinkman, and the 6 i have sitting on my desk... god i need an intervention)... but the amount of dust that is inside vs. the outside is nearly the same. there's a little difference i guess... but dam i just never realized how bad they really are! i'm thinking of just going to some shelves or something as the detolf look is loosing its appeal to me... and the dust is just as bad as leaving them open!

They don't keep dust out for ****. My PAX and Bestas aren't much better either.
I love it, but my wife keeps ****ing with my displays. Right now, I think she has it where Young Vito is holding a gun to Michael's head. :mad:
I don't put more than 3 on a shelf if I can help it. I do have 4 in my Godfather display, but I don't think it looks bad.


Generally though, 4 or more looks too crowded. Seeing that pic makes me realize I really need to take new pics of my collection.

that's a perfect 4 setup!! not a fair representation of the typical cram job as that looks perfect! there are occasions that it works... like w/ my guardians setup...
groot being a massive beast over everyone and rocket being a small guy, they all work on one shelf in my opinion.
i dunno... we saw the spiderman flick... it was ok... but call me old skool or whatever, but the whole mech suit spiderman deal is a big turn off for me! i mean i get they gotta do stuff to mix it up some, but it's like taking batman and giving him super powers, or making superman 1/2 as strong but he wears a magic belt that ups his powers... one thing that has always been / seems good w/ spiderman is he was just a kid w/ powers in a corny suit! now w/ a computer system, magic focus eyes, gps, targeting systems, battle modes... oiyyyyyyy!:slap
I haven't seen the new Spider-Man film yet, but I don't like the idea that he has tech in his suit. I know the new Spider-Man comics have him using a lot more tech though, so I'm sure that's where they're pulling all of that from. I prefer the basics--homemade suit, web shooters, and maybe a Spider-Tracer. You really want to get old-school then throw a Spider-Light in his belt buckle. :lol