Mimicing Alex Ross seems to be the only thing they got right in this entire project from what I hear.
That's actually a pretty cool poster. So much wasted potential............................
Can someone explain to me the Superman mustache thing? People keep talking about it.
Cavill has a moustache for the Mission Impossible movie that was filming when they were doing Justice League. He was under contract not to shave it so WB had to digitally remove it in every scene he was in.You would think that it wouldn't be an issue with technology what it is today. Unfortunately, WB hired someone that has never used photoshop to do it.
I like this one, but only because of the homage to Alex Ross's Original Seven art. I have it hanging above my desk at home.
Ross is a God among modern artists.
Get him to sign a Macho Man print.
Went home at lunch and just had a few minutes to mess around with my new 360° thing. I didn't have it in the light box, didn't have the ornament centered, and didn't have my phone on a tripod for stability.Still, looks like I'll be able to have some fun with this thing when I get everything set up right.
That would be ****ing hilarious! I'm dreading seeing what he charges. Gotta be over $100.
I love Thanksgiving food and my family, but I'm already annoyed with tomorrow. I know I'm old and crotchety when I'd be much happier being anti-social by staying home and taking a nap. At least we only have to go to one meal since my wife's parents went out of town.