The Iceberg Lounge aka GeneralZodLives's Phantom Zone

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I still haven't finished watching the movie. I got about 45 minutes in and stopped. The only thing I like so far is Keaton so I'll finish it at some point to see more of him I guess.

Keaton's the only memorable part of the movie. I don't think I could even tell you anything that happened in it besides his scenes, and I've seen the film twice at this point.
Keaton's the only memorable part of the movie. I don't think I could even tell you anything that happened in it besides his scenes, and I've seen the film twice at this point.

The movie was alright, but Keaton scenes are something else. Yes, I'm referring to that scene. I doubt many other actors could pull off that scene. I wished his Batman films had that scene.
Sorry Tony I ain’t wishing you a happy birthday till Shaw gets off his ass and puts up his promised post in the GC!

2 more hours then I'm off for three days. :rock Though it'll only feel like 2 days since Christmas day will be a nightmare going to different family dinners. Maybe I can gorge myself into a food coma so I won't have to talk to anyone.
Wish me luck today, guys. I have to spend 4 hours with in-laws at my house. They bringing two terrible kids, which should be fun. I’m already emotionally done and they haven’t arrived yet.
Thanks guys. They brought their new puppy and I just pissed them off by having them put it in a crate. I’m not cleaning up dog piss on my floors. Good luck to the rest of you over the next few days.
Thanks guys. They brought their new puppy and I just pissed them off by having them put it in a crate. I’m not cleaning up dog piss on my floors. Good luck to the rest of you over the next few days.

Your a mean mean mean man.....
LOL, my family went out to eat without me cause I am stuck at work the next 2 days....

Somehow that doesn’t upset all.

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Wish me luck today, guys. I have to spend 4 hours with in-laws at my house. They bringing two terrible kids, which should be fun. I’m already emotionally done and they haven’t arrived yet.


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I don't care how old I get, l'll always give credit to Santa for my presents on Christmas morning instead of my parents. Is it fair to them? No, but I don't give a ****. #santamatters #stoptryingtoruinmychristmas #keepingsantaaliveinmyheart