The Indy Acquisitions ("Look What I Found") Thread

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I don't think I'll get the Cairo Swordsman... But I'll definitely pick up (as my first EVER Mighty Mugg) the Indy and Mola Ram.
By the way, one of the Walmarts near me finally got in some of the Last Crusade figures, but of course they had all but Henry Jones Sr. -- the main one I wanted.
I finally found an Indy this weekend and left it. The hat is rediculous and makes it look bad IMHO. It looks like he's wearing a Brown Derby... I still can't find the damn Mola though... :(
The more I look at that Cairo Swordsman the more I think I might be a completist with the Indy Mighty Muggs line.
My favorite Star Wars ones are probably C3PO, Mace Windu, Han & Chewie (and Bespin Luke gets bonus points for his removable hand). Lando is also very good, although I'm not crazy about the character. Actually, they're all good except for Leia.

And all of the Indy ones are very good. Better so far than the Star Wars ones, I think.
My favorite Star Wars ones are probably C3PO, Mace Windu, Han & Chewie (and Bespin Luke gets bonus points for his removable hand). Lando is also very good, although I'm not crazy about the character. Actually, they're all good except for Leia.

And all of the Indy ones are very good. Better so far than the Star Wars ones, I think.

:lol I saw the Luke at WM. Very funny. Thought about getting him, just for the bruised face and removable hand.
If anyone still needs them, Big Bad Toy Store has some wave 2 figures on clearance.

Indiana Jones In Shirt - $3.49
Mutt Williams In Jacket - $2.49
Mutt Williams With Python - $2.49
I had BBTS credit so I bought the Adventure Heroes ToD wave. I have yet to find them in stores. I would imagine that any ToD item will be hard to find, and those items are the ones I want the most.