Yep, that's a given. This is just what the doctor ordered to get it passed. Sponsers of bills like this must just rub their hands in glee when incidents of this nature occur.
conspiracy theorists are going nuts all over this

Yep, that's a given. This is just what the doctor ordered to get it passed. Sponsers of bills like this must just rub their hands in glee when incidents of this nature occur.
A lot of people say this, but... to leak private messages, people's private records, leak 5 movies on the internet and to involve another country like NK and the government and everything just to promote a stoner comedy?
I would hate to think that Sony would go this far just to promote their movie.I mean... even getting the President to speak about it and everything? that would be a horrible move by Sony if this was all self made.
conspiracy theorists are going nuts all over this, it's been pretty funny but I must admit kind of creepy too.