The JP Dio Vs Dinosauria Dio Poll

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Which is the Better Dio?

  • The JP Dio

    Votes: 41 51.3%
  • The Dinosauria Dio

    Votes: 39 48.8%

  • Total voters
I was thinking the same thing. I wonder what's responsible for the shift. Maybe people receiving the piece and are pleased? I guess I'll just wait to judge for myself when mine arrives tomorrow! :banana
Just a note too anyone who is getting the JP Dio or the Dinosauria Dio could you post some pictures here when you receive yours as it would be great to see what they look like :monkey1

Just a note too anyone who is getting the JP Dio or the Dinosauria Dio could you post some pictures here when you receive yours as it would be great to see what they look like :monkey1

I'll try to take some shots tomorrow when it arrives. Want to be sure I can take some shots that'll do it justice if I post the pictures.
For me i have to go with the jurassic park dio, it was one of the first films i went to see in the cinema and it just evokes so many memories when i watch it again afterall these years.
Posted them under the JP topic. I mentioned there that I've been worried about the paint job ever since seeing the initial in-hand pics. My fears subsided only once I had my own piece out of the box and assembled for display.

The black flecks worried me a LOT when I first saw it, and I am getting the impression that there is a great deal of variety as to how pronounced the spots can be. In person, it seems as if my dio does not have very pronounced black dots, but rather bery subtle ones that just serve to accentuate the countours of the skull.

The blood is also extremely apropos, since the raptor in the jaws is being ripped apart like a Wishbone during Thanksgiving dinner. The way the teeth are just slicing through the raptor is marvelous.

The spirit of the scene is captured superbly in the dio. Now I just have to decide where to display it... I have a lot of JP concept art Crash McCreery sent me years ago, and if I display the dio near one of those, it's hard to choose where it would be most fitting. Either that or near the Papo dinos display and the JP Barbasol can replica! Decisions, decisions.:D
Dino Riders wtf :lol
Never heard of them I must be too young

I remember scrambling into Toys R Us to get the T.rex decked out with Krulos and the Rulons. Good times, and awesome figures... a pity the show didn't last long.
my vote goes to JP.. and it makes the score 28 to 27.. :)
why did I vote to JP.. 'cause the T-Rex in the JP dio has more grand, imposing pose... Even though I am so excited and believe in the Dino line, it seems they made a ordinary beginning... But everything may and can change when we see them with our own eyes in a retailer shop or in some friends collection..
my vote goes to JP.. and it makes the score 28 to 27.. :)
why did I vote to JP.. 'cause the T-Rex in the JP dio has more grand, imposing pose... Even though I am so excited and believe in the Dino line, it seems they made a ordinary beginning... But everything may and can change when we see them with our own eyes in a retailer shop or in some friends collection..

Glad to see some JP love, but I would say the beginning of the Dinosauria was most extraordinary. It blew me away, being a paleo-freak and initially a skeptic of Dinosauria since JP is my perpetual obsession since childhood. I had no affection for the idea of initiating Dinosauria and ostensibly dumping the JP line, but if they can continue to churn out pieces like this premiere piece, I will always be on board with both Dinosauria and hopefully JP...

... that is if they don't alter this piece much in the final result. While I love the JP piece, I have decided to have it repainted by David Stann. :rock David does awesome work, and is a huge JP fan himself. I appreciate that he's going to be keeping me heavily involved throughout the entire repaint process to ensure that it will be as accurate to the film as possible. The final paint job in the JP piece doesn't irk me, and I actually don't find it nearly as detractory as some seem to, but I still want the piece to be the absolute pride of my JP collection, and for that to happen, I need film accuracy.

Now if the Dinosauria production piece looks like the pics we're seeing now? I'd say Dinosauria will be a sure success for Sideshow. I won't quibble over size, but to absolutely guarantee success beyond the shadow of a doubt, they need to gain that holy trinity in terms of balance - price, quality, and size. I think the reason we're seeing disappointment with the JP piece is because the price is extremely high in terms of the size and with the final paint app. The Dinosauria piece is breathtaking, but again the size to price ratio throws a lot of people. For the price, it could stand to be larger. That much I will say... as well as that I plan on purchasing it regardless of size. As long as it doesn't belong in my shot glass collection, I'm in!
I just got mine today. I have to have to say it's an awesome piece. The dots on the face don't bother me. It's a shame it looks like we won’t be seeing any more in the JP line.

I don't think it would be right to compare until we see final product pictures of the Triceratops Vs T-Rex statute.
:lol You're pretty young to know about Dino Riders aren't you?

I have no idea what channel it was on but I used to watch dino riders ( the same episodes usually ) like it was part of a religion.
Then of course I bought the vhs and watched it 24/7 and most recentley my little cousion whos 2 ( and now likes dinos ) the dvd .

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Oh they are. It's like Transformers meets Land of the Lost meets Lost in Space. It's awesome.

I had all of those, in that picture. Favourite toys of all time.

Anyone remember the Ice Age Dino Riders? I remember my dad promising to buy us one a month. Never happened. I think I only got the Sabre-toothed Tiger. I wanted the Mammoth DAMN IT!
I had all of those, in that picture. Favourite toys of all time.

Anyone remember the Ice Age Dino Riders? I remember my dad promising to buy us one a month. Never happened. I think I only got the Sabre-toothed Tiger. I wanted the Mammoth DAMN IT!

I still wonder how they worked in the Ice Age part. I don't think they ever once touched on it during the show, even though it was short-lived. Well, whatever makes $$$.
I still wonder how they worked in the Ice Age part. I don't think they ever once touched on it during the show, even though it was short-lived. Well, whatever makes $$$.

I was going to ask if it was ever in the show. I don't remember.