The King of Kong - Best Film of 2007!

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Super Freak
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Just got back from seeing "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters", an amazingly fun documentary which chronicles the epic battle for the World Record high score in Donkey Kong. I couldn't stop laughing! It's like a real life Christopher Guest film. I haven't had this much fun seeing a movie in a long time. Easily my favorite film so far this year. In terms of sheer enjoyment from start to finish, this low budget Donkey Kong flick crushes the likes of Harry Potter and Transformers beneath its mighty 8 bit paw.

The world of competitive classic arcade games is incredibly bizarre and just when you think it couldn't get any stranger another weirdo comes on screen and blurts out an even more ridiculous hyperbole than the last. Astonishingly arrogant video game champion and hot sauce magnate Billy Mitchell is perhaps the oddest, most annoying person I have ever seen in a film. He likens himself to everything from Helen of Troy to the controversy over abortion. The only other comparable oddballs I can think of are the wacky, but far more sympathetic brothers of Robert Crumb in the doc "Crumb". If you are even remotely interested in video games or know someone with a geeky, obsessive hobby (no one like that on these boards right?) you have to see this movie. Don't get chumpatized - go this this film asap!
Could that cloud of dust on the horizon be the approach of Four Horseman of the Apocalpyse?
The local radio station talked to Steve Wiebe and he actually sounded pretty cool and funny.. I really do want to see this.
King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Anyone seen this film about the world record in Donkey Kong?

I know, sounds like a dumb idea for a documentary - but it's incredibly fascinating. This is the kind of smart reality show that people should be watching.

There's a evil bastard villain and a good guy that just can't get a break, but they're real people! Sure there must be some manipulation to make the villain more evil and his supplicants more geeky and stupid looking, but it's a really, really well done and entertaining movie. As a kid who grew up playing Donkey Kong it has particular resonance for me.

It just came out for rental - go get it! Or download from Amazon Unbox!

great flick. see it on dvd today. :)

Also there is a great South Park parody... The King of Crap - Stans dad vs. Bono for the world record in turd size.
Re: King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

It's a very good documentary with some very compelling drama, although going in fully knowing that details of the film were manipulated in order to make the bad guys appear worse than they truly were kind of lessens the impact for me as I watched it. You're meant to root for the little guy, and film goes out of it's way to demand it from you. It's all very single minded.

So how unfair was Twin Galaxies, huh?
Re: King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

I just read the Wiki blast on how they manipulated the editing. But these people are on camera saying these things, it's not JUST the editing that makes them look petty.

I got the impression that the Twin Galaxies guy really wanted to do the right thing, but was overwhelmed by his and everyone else's hero worship of Mr. Perfect.
Re: King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Maybe it was manipulated a bit, but the part where the evil dude says, "There are some people that I just don't want to spend too much time with," totally snubbing the guy? Real BS move.

Great, great documentary. More entertaining than many of the fictional stuff out there these days.
Whoops. Thought I'd seen a thread on this, but you know how many threads come up when you search "King" and "Kong" on this site?
Cool, just thought I'd bump up my post/review for you Dave. I'm glad more people are discovering this film now that it's on DVD. Definitely check out the South Park parody, it sums of everything I feel about Bono :lol

I see on Wiki that Billy Mitchell regained the high score at the time of the film's release.
But did Billy beat him live or on tape?

And apparently they met again 3 days ago in Vegas for a rematch. But I couldn't find any results.
I saw this movie a couple of weeks ago and really, really liked it. Though I figured there was some manipulation on the part of the filmmakers (it just seemed to extreme on the good guy vs. bad guys angle) it was fairly obvious that Mitchell is an ego maniac and Webe is a good guy (though obsessive). I came away from the film really shaking my head at Twin Galaxies and many of their members actions (and inactions as well). A really enjoyable film.
I'm gonna have to check this out.

I LOVED Donkey Kong, and still do.

Sounds interesting.
I thought it was great as well. It's amazing how emotionally invested the viewer gets in the characters. I definitely recommend it to gamers and non-gamers alike.
I finally watched this film today with the wife and we both loved it! Seriously one of the funniest documentaries I've ever seen and you'd swear it was written. Never thought I'd be jazzed up about a guy trying to be the King of Donkey Kong, but I was pumping my fist to Eye of the Tiger rooting him on :rock
[fingers in spoilers please.... la la la la la] "Getting it" as we speak... I was looking forward to seeing this one back when I read the first review... Ah DONKEY KONG, the good ol' days... When video games were truly a communal experience.:D

Can't wait to watch it-- will post a comment when I do...until then I think I'll be avoiding this thread.:D
I'm confident you guys will dig it... it has a very powerful appeal, especially for how odd of a concept it is.