Super Freak
Great shots, and congrats for the new acquisitions my friend KD!
Looking good King![]()
Awesome Cobra Troopers Chace![]()
Great shots, and congrats for the new acquisitions my friend KD!
Great Cobra trooper collection KD!!![]()
Best Joe pics on the web, congrats on the custom Cobra.![]()
Great work on the custom, looks excellent![]()
Some great looking pics King
I love dolls. You have nice dolls.
To get some more eyes of fellow freak, spiderrouge's work, here is a custom G I Joe Cobra Stinger Driver. The suit is made by spiderrouge, cobra symbol decals by EVILFACE.
Source material:
Group shots of my Cobra troopers
They look great and i'm loving the pics.![]()
Awesome update Chacegreat pics bro!
Dig the Bludd, what chest piece?
Sent from my SKI-N900P using Skiatalk
Great acquisitions, and beautiful pics my friend KD![]()
Bludd looks immensley better than the stock figure... really like the better chest piece and the gloved hand looks far better than the odd looking mechanical one. Awesome work on the other two as well![]()