WTF... get on the ball already, Sony. Figures are so retardedly overdue.
Please not a lot of uncharted figures drake is such a bland character design IMO.
Please not a lot of uncharted figures drake is such a bland character design IMO.
I'd honestly take Uncharted figures over TLOU. Everyone in this game looks like hobos. In fact, I pass Joel sometimes at the 34th Street train station. I even gave him a dollar last week.
Maybe in your weird area but you can totally wear any of Leon's non-RPD outfits and no one will careHe doesn't look that generic. If he walked down the street today he'd be laughed at XD . He's only acceptable by video game standards and meh don't get me wrong uncharted is a good series it's just that drake himself is rather bland but like I said just me.
Please not a lot of uncharted figures drake is such a bland character design IMO.
Maybe in your weird area but you can totally wear any of Leon's non-RPD outfits and no one will carehell I wore Leon's RE4 outfit (Sans wig) to work, since I needed to wear it for something later. No one batted an eye.
You expect people of the apocalypse to look like fashion models?
we're not talking about the hair, we're talking about the clothes. that's what you said, don't change the topic to fit your needso well I live in Delaware ,it's very weird. We don't get much Leon haircuts here.
At least get Joel and Ellie, TWD....let's be real, we're gonna see endless figures from thereNope... but I don't want any bum figures, either.
I can understand there's a demand for TLOU figs, even TWD. But, it's just not my thing.