Need to start a new gameplay on Survivor mode....Don't wanna....
Need to start a new gameplay on Survivor mode....Don't wanna....
While I still love the multiplayer there are two things I dislike.
1 - More often than not, it's very unbalanced teams. It'll group together two week 1's, a 3 and a 11 to go up against a week 1, 7, 12 and 34. Granted it is a great feeling when you're on the "low" team and end up wiping the floor.
2 - Some people online are complete idiots. Also, complete arseholes. After winning a game, leading into the next one some flash prick said "Let's see who gonna die this time". I tell you, killing him 3 times before he could kill anyone and making their team use up their reinforcements while we were on 7, thus making him rage quit was something special.
I think if I start a new game +, I will skip all the cutscenes, not because they're bad, they're amazing, but because they're so emotionally charged, my heart can only take so much...
i enjoyed the cut scenes even more the second time round.I will say even though you know its coming..that opener still Hits you right in the feels
What I hate about multiplayer are 2 things:
1. No matter how hard you hit them with ANY gun, not even headshot with a shotgun, they always, always end up crawling, I don't like that down/execution system.
2. a few punches are more effective than 5 gunshots.....
Other than that is fun a hell.
I wanna play this game again but every time I do I get so hooked. Plus the ending depressed me sorta. I don't why. It just did.