Have you read my question for Jeff? I think not.
If I understand correctly, you still have the license to operate the Polystone Statues (or Maquette) and also Premium Format Figure? I have understand correctly?
Jeff said : "That is correct"
It's clear for you now?
The silence does suggest some legal behind the scenes is relevant.
You are english, right?
About this sentence you must relate this to the sentence that I quoted in my previous mail: "Does not it mean the line is dead."
This extract is taken from the first mail of jeff.
I asked for clarification, he was wrong on a term (line), he meant that the license was not dead.
...And no i'm not doubting you, i'm just doubting what Sideshows intentions are. As i say, they're being very vague and never actually mentioning 'statue' or 'PF' themselves...
Wonder when we're getting this post-SDCC announcement then?!
Hope it's soon!
How long can you hold your breath?![]()
By the time SS finally announces their first Hobbit piece, we'll all probably be sitting at home watching the Extended Edition of There And Back Again.Then a month after that SS will "re-evaluate" The Hobbit line.
Denathor was one of the only major characters not produced as a bust. Would have zero interest in a FS but really that oversight should be corrected.
Given how well the Dark Rider of Mordor turned out GtW on Shadowfax should be a must (after some of the other overlooked main characters are done)
How long can you hold your breath?![]()
By the time SS finally announces their first Hobbit piece, we'll all probably be sitting at home watching the Extended Edition of There And Back Again.Then a month after that SS will "re-evaluate" The Hobbit line.
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