Damn, they're fighting The Enemy™? And that one guy isn't the Hero they seek? Like famed legend Luke Skywalker wasn't the hero they needed him to be? And they all have to choose who they'll be? And there's like fear and fate and they both start with the letter "f"? Goodness, such thought-provoking lines and original content is tempting me to get an Amazon subscription!
Christ, this is embarassing. That one guy literally does an anime jump after jumping on chains. And if anyone's seen the leaked clip, Galadriel literally does the same anime jump, but she hops on top of a sword and then presses A two times to BigBingWahoo! I'm not even going to touch the cheap costumes, soulless acting and that nonsensical music. Seriously, who is this for? Middle aged housewives with nothing to do? Fantasynerds who'll eat up anything with a sword and pointy ears? This couldn't be more generic if they tried.
And these people have jobs and millions. Ponder that...