The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | Amazon Prime Video - September 2, 2022

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I keep checking here for a reason to watch this, and I can't find any.
I watched the first three or four episodes of the first season and wondered how they could make Middle Earth so boring. After a few scenes of episode one of season 2 it was more of the same.

Utterly soul-less television. The writing, the characters, the CG… boring as batsh**
All the hate I see for this show... Is it perfect? No. But can someone please point me in the direction of a better live action TV show about a god-being deceiving a vain elven smith into forging magical trinkets of destruction while a dwarven kingdom mines it's way to doom? No? Okay then.
WHY in the NAME OF ERU ILUVATAR would Tom Bombadil know more about the Flame Imperishable than Olorin of the Maia.
Why would some wild pagan nature-deity know more about God than one of his own angels....

God I hate this show so much

Black And White Vintage GIF
Because the maiar come to Middle Earth without full memory of where they came from.

"For it is said indeed that being embodied the Istari had need to learn much anew by slow experience and though they knew whence they came the memory of the Blessed Realm was to them a vision from afar off, for which (so long as they remained true to their mission) they yearned exceedingly."