No, the Gollum with changeable head and fish is too big, it might be closer to 1/4 or its probably right in the middle at 1/5. For Toybiz, like some of their other 12" like Gimli and BIlbo, its a surprisingly good figure: great articulations and despite the joints, its still looks pretty good. The audio feature was cool and theres actually a place in the base to hold the spare head.
That's what I'd thought before ... closer to 1:4 scale. I couldn't remember if he had joints or not, though. Thanks for the confirmation! I agree completely, it's definitely one of the nicest LotR products ToyBiz made. It's still my favorite.
But now we're back to square one. I guess nobody wants a Gollum with all the exposed joints a hobbit body would have. Too bad, 'cause that would certainly solve the scale issue.