I love how people in SSC FB groups are all trying to be inclusive, and they tell everyone to post their collections. Which is cool and all. Until you consider the fact that the person saying this just last week posted a pic of their own hobby room. It was 12,000+ square feet, with custom shelves, a lifesize maquette of the xenomorph Queen from Aliens, three life-size Stormtroopers, life-size Iron Man and 250+ Hot Toys figures. A sliding glass door looks out over a three-acre swimming pool. Three skylights bring interest to life-size Vader on a plinth, invoking the Force lightning. Ten custom lightsabers line a wall over there and the walls themselves are hung with what appear to be 10,000+ carded action figures.
Yo dude, I think my little collection ain't gonna interest you much.

lord yes these people are rich.